Director's Message

If I had a daughter or son who is reasonably strong in studies and has managed to get accepted into NTU, what kind of programme would I want for her or him?
I would want a programme that complements the major area of study. And because university programmes typically go for depth, this programme must be one that broadens—the mind, the soul, the friendships—and that prepares her or him not just for a career but a whole life ahead.
This programme should offer a multi-disciplinary curriculum that is curated to nurture both creativity and critical thinking. It should offer international exposure as I have seen how my own daughter has grown from such exposure.
Well, I am proud to tell you that the NTU-USP is such a programme. It is a programme that I would delighted to have my daughter enrol in.
It is a scholar’s programme designed to make all its students global citizens of the future who will be seen as leaders because they are socially conscious and so able to serve the interests of the people.
We welcome you to be part of the unique NTU-USP community. It will change you.
Professor Ang Peng Hwa
Director, NTU–University Scholars Programme