Online Career Toolkit


A one-stop Career Portal enhanced with smart features that prompts students with alerts and recommended jobs so that no opportunities are missed. CareerAxis provides students quick access and convenience to booking of workshops, career events, coaching sessions and more.

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Graduates First (GF)

Graduates First (GF) is a Job Assessment Site which contains aptitude tests for ​jobs, designed as practices to help students gain familiarity with these assessments. Upon completion of each test, students will receive a personalized report of their performance and areas for improvement. The GF practice tests are developed in line with the assessments used by the Big 4 and also thousands of graduate employers across the globe, giving them first-han​d experience of job assessments.​

Personal Style Indicator (PSI)

Personal Style Indicator (PS​​I) is a scientifically developed self-assessment tool that identifies one's basic personal style. Students will discover their general orientation towards tasks, people, problems, stress and time; typical strengths and common difficulties. PSI helps one to gain an understanding of self and others, improves communications and increases success in relationships, both at work and at home.

VMoc​k​ - Smart Resu​me Platform

VMock is an online resume review tool which provides instant personalized feedback and grading on student's resume. It does not replace the resume critique sessions with their Career Coach, but it helps them to edit and improve on their resume prior to meeting them.​​​​