Binjai Hall

Established in 2016 as part of North Hill Residences, the first large-scale high-rise development in Singapore utilising the Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) system, Binjai Hall takes its is name after the Binjai tree, a large tree of the mango family that is native to Singapore. The hall offers features a sky lounge, the largest gym on campus and design studios for innovative pursuits.

62 Nanyang Crescent, Singapore 636958
  • Room Amenities:Air-con | Non air-con | Toilet (Common)

Admin Office

Room Rates

Monthly Rate S$
(per resident)
Monthly Rate S$
(per resident)
Single Room (Non Air-con)541582
Double Room (Non Air-con)395426
Single Room (Air-con)581627
Double Room (Air-con)436469

#There are plans to upgrade and renovate certain student halls.  The rates for these specific halls will no longer be applicable once these particular halls undergo upgrading and renovations.