Tolga Durak, Nicolas Paquin and Jim Doughty from MIT Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Office will be sharing about MIT’s signature EHS programmes, management system and supporting IT systems. This will be followed by a panel discussion to discuss about how Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) are to “future-safety” ready using AI, Big Data and Innovation.
There are about 80 attendees for the symposium. They are safety officers and safety coordinators in NTU as well as from other IHL.
Programme Details
Date: 24th August 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00am to 11:00am
Venue: Nanyang Technological University
LT4, NS4-02-34, North Main Spine
Level 2, beside Tan Chin Tuan Lecture Theatre
Attire: Business Casual

Jim Doughty
Associate Director
Industrial Hygiene Program
Nicholas Paquin
Institutional Biosafety Officer
Tolga Durak
Managing Director
MIT Environment, Health & Safety Office