Scholar Engagement

The ASEAN Scholarship and the NTU Science and Engineering Scholarship, are offered to international undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and other achievements. The Integration & Scholar Engagement team (I&SE) supports these scholars to integrate functionally, develop their social network, and develop mutual trust and understanding with their local peers and community.

Besides pursuing academic excellence, international scholars are encouraged to develop themselves holistically by engaging in learning beyond the curriculum. Here at NTU, the scholars embark on a journey of cultural appreciation and understanding the community, and giving to society through Community Involvement Projects.

Group of students dressed in different cultural attires.
Picture showing a student and a senior citizen making handy craft for Lunar New Year.
A group of students reading a panel on information of local ethnic groups.

Welcome Briefing for Year 1 International Scholars

Compulsory briefing to welcome new international scholars to NTU. Scholars will learn important information on scholarship obligations as well as hear seniors and peers share valuable tips and strategies for the upcoming undergraduate journey.

Community Involvement Projects

International scholars are involved in projects to give back to the community alongside their peers. The projects provide opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge, and personal growth. Emails on the opportunities available are sent out every semester. To better understand their Community Involvement Projects (CIP) obligations, new international scholars will have to attend compulsory CIP briefing.

Networking Sessions

International scholars can network with representatives from different clubs & societies in NTU to understand other volunteering opportunities that they can participate in. They can also get to hear more about their peers' and seniors' volunteering journey in Singapore.

Focus Group Discussions

Focus group discussions are conducted on a regular basis to gather on-the-ground feedback for the Scholar Engagement Team to continuously improve existing programmes and design and implement new initiatives.

Send-off Event

Send-Off events are organized for graduating international scholars to celebrate the end of their journey in NTU, as well as to network and stay connected with their peers as they prepare to enter the workforce. Alumni are also invited to come back and share their working experiences in Singapore.

Interested to learn more about events specifically for you? Please visit our intranet page to find out more! 

Contact us at if you have further inquiries.