Lost and Found
Identifiable Valuable Items
If you have lost an item, please refer to the live updates of found items
If your item is listed, please visit the designated location and present your identity for verification.
Unclaimed items or those with unsuccessful owner verification will be handed over to the police station at the end of the month.
For items such as matric cards, concession card, identity cards, key fobs belonging to NTU or NIE student, One Stop or NIE staff will notify the student via email for collection. These items will not be listed.
Unidentifiable Items
For found items such as calculators, stationery, chargers, etc, will be placed in the Lost & Found Depository Cabinet at One Stop @SAC.
Owner may identify and collect the item before the end of the month. Any uncollected items will be disposed of at that time.
The University (at its absolute discretion) shall be entitled to decide on disposal method as it deemed fit. In any event, neither the University nor its staff shall be liable or accountable to anyone in any way for the place, method and/or length of storage and/or the use, retention and/or disposal of any of the items.
If you need help with items lost on internal campus shuttle or TransitLink bus, please contact:
- Comfort DelGro at 6552 8747 (More information can be found this link https://www.ntu.edu.sg/life-at-ntu/visiting-ntu/internal-campus-shuttle
- SBS Transit at 6383 7211 (More information can be found this link https://www.sbstransit.com.sg/lost-found)
You may return the item directly to the owner or the issuing agency if circumstances permit. Otherwise, please hand over any found item/s that does not belong to you to:
- One Stop @ SAC (NS3-01-03)
- Campus Security (South Spine S4-B5a-02)
- Library Counter (found at the library)
- Exam Hall# (found during exam period)
- Police Station (for valuable items)
- Campus Rider’s driver (found on Campus Shuttle buses)
# The items left at the exam venue which are not collected from the respective exam venue, will be discarded at University’s discretion by the last day of exam period.
For hygiene reasons, One Stop @ SAC does not accept:
- Clothing (e.g. jacket, pants, socks, scarves, etc)
- Food and drink containers (e.g. water bottles, mugs, lunch bag, etc)
- Sportswear (e.g. shoes, shoe bag, sport products, etc)
- Umbrella
Important Notes:
If you suspect theft or dishonest misappropriation of property, please contact our Campus Security at 6790 5200 or report the incident to the Police immediately. You can also file a security incident report with Campus Security online at https://www.ntu.edu.sg/life-at-ntu/health-and-safety/report-a-security-incident. In such cases, there is no need to email to One Stop.
The University Campus Security will assist the Police in their investigation. Please note, according to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), Campus Security is not permitted to show CCTV footage to the complainant; only the Police have the authority to review these recordings.
You may subject yourself to liability of an offence of dishonest misappropriation of property if you keep items not belonging to you.