Hall 14 Freshmen Orientation Programme

Hall 14 Freshmen Orientation Programme 2024

Do you want to WIPE THE FUND?


Hall 14 is a place for residents to relax, seek refuge and have fun. In Hall 14, you will find yourself feeling a sense of comfort like no other. Adapting to University life may not be easy at first, but your family in Hall 14 will make you feel right at home and be your pillar of support.

On top of being a friendly and fun-filled social hall, our 4 families – Apus, Delphi, Draco & Hydrus untie as one to bring you the most unforgettable hall experience. From late-night conversations to suppers, hall events and activities, you will never be alone.

For you to fully adapt to hall life Hall 14’s Freshmen Orientation Programme Committee is hosting a 3-days orientation where you will be able to meet your new family and get to know our hall better. FOP 2024 will include the following activities:

  1. Welcome Message by FOP Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
  2. Know more about Hall 14 Session
  3. Meet the Seniors Session & Sharing on University Life
  4. Orientation Group, Inter-Orientation Group & Mass Games

Click here to view our orientation timetable.


Hall 14 FOP 2024

Join us to Wipe The Fund

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Our Contact Details

Er Jia Xing (Hall 14 FOP Chairperson)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: @fattestporkbelly

Yoon Ke Tian (Hall 14 FOP Vice-Chairperson)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: @y_ktkt



Our Social Platforms

Telegram: @hallxiv
Official Hall 14 Instagram: @ntuhall14 
FOP Instagram: @ntuhall14fop