Hall 3 Freshmen Orientation Programme

Hall 3 Freshmen Orientation Programme 2024

DIVIN3 24/25


You are invited to a birthday banquet, DIVIN3, to serve one of five Greek gods who are all ruled by the king of gods, Zeus. Your purpose is to assist the gods to help and protect the people. However, as you joined the factions led by the different gods, you realised your mission is not as simple as you think.

Apollo is the god of the Sun and Light. With his inclination towards the arts, you are to help devise an elaborate plan to serenade Zeus with music during the banquet and harness Apollo’s superhuman strength to trap Zeus.

Boseidon is the god of Sea. He assisted in the Trojan war in which he lost his trident. Zeus also commanded Boseidon to withdraw from the battlefield and this made Boseidon rage. Boseidon preferred his way of leading and he figured that the Greeks will do better under his leadership.

Caerus is the god of Opportunity and Luck. Wanting to take advantage, Zeus curses Caerus and the wings on Caerus’ feet disappear overnight, making it difficult for him to move quickly. To defeat Zeus, you set up a trap to curse Zeus with bad luck.

Dion is the god of Festivity and Madness. When Dion had grown up, Hera (Zeus’s wife) had thrown him into a state of madness. As Dion uncovered the truth behind his mother’s death, his hatred towards both Hera and Zeus grew. He is now determined to gain powers to punish those who caused his mother’s death.

Eros, the god of Love and Passion. Zeus had sent someone to steal Eros bow and arrow for his own selfish use, and is furious when his love interest is struck by Zeus. You are going to fight to take back his bow and arrows and punish Zeus.



Eventually, these five greek gods made a pact that the first one to evict Zeus from the throne successfully gets the honor of sitting on the throne. Each of the gods and goddesses believe their powers rank superior to others’ and so they are all vying for the throne. Will they work together to get rid of Zeus, or will they sabotage each others’ plans in order to reign from Hall 3? Will Zeus retaliate when he realizes their intentions?

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Aaron Lowe
Email: [email protected]
Contact: @aaronlowe

Ryan Ng
Email: [email protected]
Contact: @ryannsw


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