Student Housing
Online Application
All full-time NTU students matriculating in AY2024/25 who are interested to stay in student housing, are invited to apply for hall accommodation for the upcoming Academic Year 2024-25.
Application Period
4 June 2024, 9am (SGT) to 24 June 2024, 5pm (SGT)
How to apply?
Please click here to submit your application via the Student Housing Portal. Here are the steps to apply:
Step 1: Activate Account
Accept your offer of admission electronically and activate your NTU Network Account ( You will only be able to apply for hall accommodation at least 2 days after you have activated your NTU Network Account.
Step 2: Apply for Hall Accommodation
Apply via the Student Housing Portal and pay the Hall Application Fee of $27.25 (inclusive of prevailing GST) during the specified application period to complete your housing application. The hall application fee is non-refundable.
Housing applications are not processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Late applications will not be accepted.
Applicants may indicate a preferred room type when applying for hall stay, and the assignment of hall and room type is subject to availability.
Step 3: Await Application Outcome
Stay tuned for your application outcome. Successful applicants will be informed from 18 July 2024 via email on the hall offer and the check-in procedure.
Step 4: View Application Outcome
Accept your hall offer and pay the Hall Acceptance Fee.
Applying to stay with a roommate
If you are applying for a twin-sharing room, you may indicate a preferred roommate. This could be a:
- Freshman: You may only apply to stay with a freshman of the same gender. Each of you must submit your own application through the Student Housing Portal. In the Portal, you will need to search for the name of your preferred roommate and form a roommate group as part of your application. Both of you should have started your housing applications to be able to form the group.
- Senior student: You may only apply to stay with your sibling of the same gender. Your sibling must first be successful in their hall application before your roommate request can be considered. If you are successfully offered a place in hall, you will be allocated to the Hall and room type chosen by the senior student.
Please note that all requests for preferred roommates are subject to room availability. There are no guarantees that your preferred roommate pairing will be granted.
Hall and Room Allocation
Allocations are done through a computer balloting exercise, assigning successful applicants to any one of the Halls of Residence.
- New students in the Premier Scholars Programme (except for Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP)) and LKCMedicine, MBBS shall reside in either Crescent Hall or Pioneer Hall.
- New REP students shall reside in either Binjai Hall, Tanjong Hall or Banyan Hall. They can only apply for a twin-sharing room and will have a non-REP student as their roommate.
Hall Rental Rates
Please refer to the Hall Rental Fees webpage for the monthly rates per person.
Alternative Housing Options
If you prefer not to stay on campus, please click here for more information on alternative housing options. Students are strongly advised to be vigilant and do your due diligence to protect yourself from rental scams.
Useful Links:
- Council of Estate Agencies (CEA) Public Register
- Download the ScamShield App ( Apple | Android )
- Be Aware of the Latest Scams