

REP Core Interdisciplinary Courses  (Year 1 to 4)
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (Year 1 to 3) 
(Year 2 to 4)
Broadening and Deepening Electives
(Year 3 to 4)
MSc Technology Management
(Year 4 to 5) 
1) Mathematics, Sciences And Engineering Discipline

  • Mathematics I & II
  • Bio- and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals &  Applications
  • Electronic & Information Engineering
  • Introduction To Engineering Mechanics
  • Materials & Manufacturing
  • Introductory Thermal Sciences, Electricity & Magnetism
  • Engineering Computation
  • Engineers in Society
  • Renaissance Design I & II
2) Business

  • Fundamentals Of Management
  • Accounting for Managerial Decisions
  • Foundations of Engineering Leadership 
  • Financial Management
  • Strategic Marketing

    1) Common Core

    • Writing Across the Disciplines
    • Navigating the Digital World
    • Ethics & Civics in a Multicultural World
    • Healthy Living & Wellbeing
    • Sustainability: Society, Economy & Environment
    • Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future World
    • Science & Technology for Humanity

    2) Foundational Core

    • Communicating as a 21st Century Engineer
    • Introduction to Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
    • Professional Attachment

    Core And Elective Courses In Following Engineering Specialisations

    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Bioengineering
    • Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Materials Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering




    • Broadening courses
    • Advanced Topics In Engineering Leadership
    • Generative AI & Web3 Decentralised Applications
    • Ethics & Governance Issues In Technology Management
    • Operations & Supply Chains
    • Digital Transformation
    • The Law Of Obligations & Intellectual Property
    • System Thinking And Holistic Decision Making
    • Entrepreneurship, Strategy And Innovation: Real World Applications
    • MSc Elective

    Note: These MSc Courses Are Subject To Change




    Curriculum Structure of REP

    AY2024/2025 AU Requirement Table

    Year Of StudyCore (C)Major Prescribed Elective (MPE)Common Core (CC)Foundational Core (FC)Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)Total
    414 + 12*3--3



    Total for Undergraduate136
    Total for Graduate30

    *Graduate level Courses

    Curriculum Structure

    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 1 Semester 1
    RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
    RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
    RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
    RE1015 Bio- and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals & ApplicationsC3 
    RE1101 Fundamentals of Management​C3 
    RE0011 Writing across the DisciplinesCC3 
    CC0002 Navigating the Digital WorldCC2 
    Total 21 
    Year 1 Semester 2
    RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
    RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
    RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
    RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences, Electricity and MagnetismC3 
    ​EG1001 Engineers in SocietyC2 
    CC0003 Ethics and Civics in a Multi-cultural World CC2 
    CC0005 Healthy Living & Well-beingCC3 
    Total 20 
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 2 Semester 1
    RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4 
    Major Prescribed Elective 1MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 2   MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 3MPE3
    RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerFC3 
    CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy and Environment CC3
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future WorldCC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3

    # Students can take this in either Semester of Year 2 based on their specialisation 

    Total 22/21AU differs for different specialisation
    Year 2 Semester 2
    RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 4MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 5MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 6MPE3
    RE1201 Accounting for Managerial DecisionsC3 
    RE1202 Foundations of Engineering Leadership 
    SP0061 Science and Technology for HumanityCC3 
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future World
    CC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Total 21/22AU differs for different specialisation
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
    RE3008 Professional AttachmentFC5Note:
    Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 12 AU for MPE courses and 15 AU for BDE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 12 AU of MPE and 15 AU of BDE.
    Major Prescribed ElectivesMPE12
    Broadening and Deepening Electives BDE15
    Total 32
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 4 Semester 1
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1401 Financial ManagementC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 7MPE3 
    Broadening and Deepening Electives ^ BDE3^ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4
    RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3 
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Year 4 Semester 2
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1402 Strategic MarketingC3 
    RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
    RE6013 Generative AI & Web3 Decentralised Applications
    RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual Property G3
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 5 Semester 1
    MSc Elective
    G3@ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4 or Year 5 Semester 1
    RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
    RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
    RE6017  Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology Management G3 
    RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
    Total for Graduate 18 
    Grand Total : 166

    Please click here for the course descriptions.  


    Second Major in Entrepreneurship

    In addition to graduating with a dual degree, students can choose to take up a Second Major in Entrepreneurship, allowing them to pursue interdisciplinary programmes to a greater extent and be more resilient in the post COVID-19 economy.

    As part of the curriculum, students will have to fulfil the following requirements:

    • 4 Compulsory Courses
    • 4 Electives Courses
    • Compulsory Experiential Component (20-week Professional Attachment)
    • Industry-Sponsored Final Year Project

    Students will graduate with the following:

    • Bachelor of Engineering Science (with specialisation in a chosen engineering discipline)
    • Master of Science in Technology Management
    • Second Major in Entrepreneurship (separate certificate)

    AY2023/2024 AU Requirement Table

    Year Of StudyCore (C)Major Prescribed Elective (MPE)Common Core (CC)Foundational Core (FC)Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)Total
    414 + 12*3--3



    Total for Undergraduate136
    Total for Graduate30

    *Graduate level Courses

    Curriculum Structure

    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 1 Semester 1
    RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
    RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
    RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
    RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
    RE1101 Fundamentals of Management​C3 
    RE0011 Writing across the DisciplinesCC3 
    CC0002 Navigating the Digital WorldCC2 
    Total 21 
    Year 1 Semester 2
    RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
    RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
    RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
    RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences, Electricity and MagnetismC3 
    ​EG1001 Engineers in SocietyC2 
    CC0003 Ethics and Civics in a Multi-cultural World CC2 
    CC0005 Healthy Living & Well-beingCC3 
    Total 20 
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 2 Semester 1
    RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4 
    Major Prescribed Elective 1MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 2   MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 3MPE3
    RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerFC3 
    CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy and Environment CC3
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future WorldCC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3

    # Students can take this in either Semester of Year 2 based on their specialisation 

    Total 22/21AU differs for different specialisation
    Year 2 Semester 2
    RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 4MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 5MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 6MPE3
    RE1201 Accounting for Managerial DecisionsC3 
    RE1202 Foundations of Engineering Leadership 
    SP0061 Science and Technology for HumanityCC3 
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future World
    CC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Total 21/22AU differs for different specialisation
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
    RE3008 Professional AttachmentFC5Note:
    Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 12 AU for MPE courses and 15 AU for BDE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 12 AU of MPE and 15 AU of BDE.
    Major Prescribed ElectivesMPE12
    Broadening and Deepening Electives BDE15
    Total 32
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 4 Semester 1
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1401 Financial ManagementC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 7MPE3 
    Broadening and Deepening Electives ^ BDE3^ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4
    RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3 
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Year 4 Semester 2
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1402 Strategic MarketingC3 
    RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
    RE6013 Generative AI & Web3 Decentralised ApplicationsG3 
    RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual Property G3
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 5 Semester 1
    MSc Elective
    G3@ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4 or Year 5 Semester 1
    RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
    RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
    RE6017  Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology Management G3 
    RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
    Total for Graduate 18 
    Grand Total : 166

    Please click here for the course descriptions.  


    Second Major in Entrepreneurship

    In addition to graduating with a dual degree, students can choose to take up a Second Major in Entrepreneurship, allowing them to pursue interdisciplinary programmes to a greater extent and be more resilient in the post COVID-19 economy.

    As part of the curriculum, students will have to fulfil the following requirements:

    • 4 Compulsory Courses
    • 4 Electives Courses
    • Compulsory Experiential Component (20-week Professional Attachment)
    • Industry-Sponsored Final Year Project

    Students will graduate with the following:

    • Bachelor of Engineering Science (with specialisation in a chosen engineering discipline)
    • Master of Science in Technology Management
    • Second Major in Entrepreneurship (separate certificate)

    AY2022/2023 AU Requirement Table

    Year Of StudyCore (C)Major Prescribed Elective (MPE)Common Core (CC)Foundational Core (FC)Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)Total
    414 + 12*3--3



    Total for Undergraduate136
    Total for Graduate30

    *Graduate level Courses

    Curriculum Structure

    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 1 Semester 1
    RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
    RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
    RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
    RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
    RE1101 Fundamentals of Management​C3 
    RE0011 Writing across the DisciplinesCC3 
    CC0002 Navigating the Digital WorldCC2 
    Total 21 
    Year 1 Semester 2
    RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
    RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
    RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
    RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences, Electricity and MagnetismC3 
    ​EG1001 Engineers in SocietyC2 
    CC0003 Ethics and Civics in a Multi-cultural World CC2 
    CC0005 Healthy Living & Well-beingCC3 
    Total 20 
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 2 Semester 1
    RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4 
    Major Prescribed Elective 1MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 2   MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 3MPE3
    RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerFC3 
    CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy and Environment CC3
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future WorldCC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3

    # Students can take this in either Semester of Year 2 based on their specialisation 

    Total 22/21AU differs for different specialisation
    Year 2 Semester 2
    RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 4MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 5MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 6MPE3
    RE1201 Accounting for Managerial DecisionsC3 
    RE1202 Foundations of Engineering Leadership 
    SP0061 Science and Technology for HumanityCC3 
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future World
    CC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Total 21/22AU differs for different specialisation
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
    RE3008 Professional AttachmentFC5Note:
    Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 12 AU for MPE courses and 15 AU for BDE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 12 AU of MPE and 15 AU of BDE.
    Major Prescribed ElectivesMPE12
    Broadening and Deepening Electives BDE15
    Total 32
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 4 Semester 1
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1401 Financial ManagementC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 7MPE3 
    Broadening and Deepening Electives ^ BDE3^ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4
    RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3 
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Year 4 Semester 2
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year ProjectC4 
    RE1402 Strategic MarketingC3 
    RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
    RE6013 Generative AI & Web3 Decentralised ApplicationsG3 
    RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual Property G3
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 5 Semester 1
    MSc Elective
    G3@ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4 or Year 5 Semester 1
    RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
    RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
    RE6017  Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology Management G3 
    RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
    Total for Graduate 18 
    Grand Total : 166

    Please click here for the course descriptions.  


    Second Major in Entrepreneurship

    In addition to graduating with a dual degree, students can choose to take up a Second Major in Entrepreneurship, allowing them to pursue interdisciplinary programmes to a greater extent and be more resilient in the post COVID-19 economy.

    As part of the curriculum, students will have to fulfil the following requirements:

    • 4 Compulsory Courses
    • 4 Electives Courses
    • Compulsory Experiential Component (20-week Professional Attachment)
    • Industry-Sponsored Final Year Project

    Students will graduate with the following:

    • Bachelor of Engineering Science (with specialisation in a chosen engineering discipline)
    • Master of Science in Technology Management
    • Second Major in Entrepreneurship (separate certificate)
    Renaissance Capstone Project/ Final Year Project

    AY2021/2022 AU Requirement Table

    Year Of StudyCore (C)Major Prescribed Elective (MPE)Common Core (CC)Foundational Core (FC)Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)Total
    414 + 12*3--3



    Total for Undergraduate136
    Total for Graduate30

    *Graduate level Courses

    Curriculum Structure

    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 1 Semester 1
    RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
    RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
    RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
    RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
    RE8011 Fundamentals of Management​C3 
    RE0011 Writing across the DisciplinesCC3 
    CC0002 Navigating the Digital WorldCC2 
    Total 21 
    Year 1 Semester 2
    RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
    RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
    RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
    RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences, Electricity and MagnetismC3 
    ​EG1001 Engineers in SocietyC2 
    CC0003 Ethics and Civics in a Multi-cultural World CC2 
    CC0005 Healthy Living & Well-beingCC3 
    Total 20 
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 2 Semester 1
    RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4 
    Major Prescribed Elective 1MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 2   MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 3MPE3
    RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerFC3 
    CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy and Environment CC3
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future WorldCC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3

    # Students can take this in either Semester of Year 2 based on their specialisation 

    Total 22/21AU differs for different specialisation
    Year 2 Semester 2
    RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 4MPE3Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2
    Major Prescribed Elective 5MPE3
    Major Prescribed Elective 6MPE3
    RE1201 AccountingC3 
    RE1202 Foundations of Engineering Leadership 
    SP0061 Science and Technology for HumanityCC3 
    ML0004 Career & Innovative Enterprise for the Future World
    CC2Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence FC3Students will take this course depending on their specialisation
    Total 21/22AU differs for different specialisation
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
    RE3008 Professional AttachmentFC5Note:
    Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 12 AU for MPE courses and 15 AU for BDE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 12 AU of MPE and 15 AU of BDE.
    Major Prescribed ElectivesMPE12
    Broadening and Deepening Electives BDE15
    Total 32
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 4 Semester 1
    Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4 
    RE1401 Financial ManagementC3 
    Major Prescribed Elective 7MPE3 
    Broadening and Deepening Electives ^ BDE3^ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4
    RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3 
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Year 4 Semester 2
    Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4 
    RE1402 Strategic MarketingC3 
    RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
    RE6013 Generative AI & Web3 Decentralised ApplicationsG3 
    RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual Property G3
    Total for Undergraduate
    Total for Graduate
    Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
    Year 5 Semester 1
    MSc Elective
    G3@ Students can take this in either Semester of Year 4 or Year 5 Semester 1
    RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
    RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
    RE6017  Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology Management G3 
    RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
    Total for Graduate 18 
    Grand Total : 166

    Please click here for the course descriptions.  

      AY2020/2021 AU Requirement Table

      Year Of StudyMajor Requirements​General Education Requirements (GER)Total
      Core(C)Major  Prescribed Elective (P)GER-Core (GER C)GER Prescribed ElectiveUnrestricted Electives (UE)
      Liberal Arts [LA]Business & Management (BM)
      48 +15*15-3--26
      515* ----- 
      Total for Undergraduate138
      Total for Graduate30

      *Graduate level Courses

      Curriculum Structure

      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 1 Semester 1
      RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
      RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
      RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
      RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
      RE8011 Fundamentals of Management​BM3 
      RE0011 Writing & ReasoningGER C3 
      HY0001 Ethics And Moral ReasoningGER C1 
      Total 20 
      Year 1 Semester 2
      RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
      RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
      RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
      RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences And ElectromagnetismC3 
      RE8012 AccountingBM3 
      GC0001 Sustainability: Seeing through the hazeGER C1 
      ​EG0001 Engineers & SocietyGER C3 
      Total 20 
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 2 Semester 1
      RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4

      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.

      Major Prescribed Elective 1P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 2   P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 3P3
      RE8013 Financial ManagementBM3
      RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerGER C3
      +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      Total 19/22
      Year 2 Semester 2
      RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC4
      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.
      Major Prescribed Elective 4P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 5P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 6P3
      RE1402 Strategic MarketingBM3
      +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      RE1202 Foundations of Engineering Leadership GER C1
      ML0003 Kickstart Your Career SuccessGER C1
      Total 21/18
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
      Professional AttachmentC5Note:
      Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 4 MPE courses, 2 Prescribed electives, and 2 UE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 18 AU of MPE, 3 AU of BM and 6 AU of UE.
      Major Prescribed ElectivesP12
      Prescribed ElectivesP6
      Business ElectiveBM3
      Unrestricted ElectivesUE6
      Total 32
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 4 Semester 1
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4Note:
      Based on a 51 AU requirement for MPE, the balance MPE-AU to fulfil in Year 4 depends on the MPE-AU already earned prior to Year 4. In general, students can expect to read at least 15 AU of MPE in Year 4. Table here assumes each MPE is 3AU.
      Major Prescribed Elective 7P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 8P3
      Prescribed Elective P3
      GER Prescribed ElectiveLA3
      RE6017 Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology ManagementG3
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Year 4 Semester 2
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4 
      Major Prescribed Elective 9P3 
      Prescribed ElectiveP3 
      RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
      RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual PropertyG3 
      RE6013 Business Analytics and Applied Machine LearningG3 
      RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering Leadership G3 
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 5 Semester 1
      RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
      RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
      RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
      MSc Elective G3 
      Total for Graduate 15 
      Grand Total : 168

      Legend : 
      C – Core Courses                             LA – Liberal Arts                BM – Business & Management 
      P – Prescribed Elective                 GER C – General Core     UE – Unrestricted Electives 
      G – Graduate Courses​  

      Please click here for the course descriptions.  

      AY2019/2020 AU Requirement Table

      Year Of StudyMajor Requirements​General Education Requirements (GER)Total
      Core(C)Major  Prescribed Elective (P)GER-Core (GER C)GER Prescribed ElectiveUnrestricted Electives (UE)
      Liberal Arts [LA]Business & Management (BM)
      48 +12*15-3--26
      518* ----- 
      Total for Undergraduate138
      Total for Graduate30

      *Graduate level Courses

      Curriculum Structure

      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 1 Semester 1
      RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
      RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
      RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
      RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
      RE8011 Fundamentals of Management​BM3 
      RE0011 Writing & ReasoningGER C3 
      HY0001 Ethics And Moral ReasoningGER C1 
      Total 20 
      Year 1 Semester 2
      RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
      RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
      RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
      RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences And ElectromagnetismC3 
      RE8012 AccountingBM3 
      GC0001 Sustainability: Seeing through the hazeGER C1 
      Total 17 
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 2 Semester 1
      RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4

      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.

      Major Prescribed Elective 1P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 2   P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 3P3
      RE8013 Financial ManagementBM3
      RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerGER C3
      +Engineers & Society or +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      Total 22
      Year 2 Semester 2
      RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC4
      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.
      Major Prescribed Elective 4P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 5P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 6P3
      RE8010 Strategic MarketingBM3
      +Engineers & Society or +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      RE0004 Foundations of Engineering Leadership GER C1
      ML0003 Kickstart Your Career SuccessGER C1
      Total 21
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
      Professional AttachmentC5Note:
      Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 4 MPE courses, 2 Prescribed electives, and 2 UE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 18 AU of MPE, 3 AU of BM and 6 AU of UE.
      Major Prescribed ElectivesP12
      Prescribed ElectivesP6
      Business ElectiveBM3
      Unrestricted ElectivesUE6
      Total 32
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 4 Semester 1
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4Note:
      Based on a 51 AU requirement for MPE, the balance MPE-AU to fulfil in Year 4 depends on the MPE-AU already earned prior to Year 4. In general, students can expect to read at least 15 AU of MPE in Year 4. Table here assumes each MPE is 3AU.
      Major Prescribed Elective 7P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 8P3
      Prescribed Elective P3
      GER Prescribed ElectiveLA3
      RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Year 4 Semester 2
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4 
      Major Prescribed Elective 9P3 
      Prescribed ElectiveP3 
      RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
      RE6013 Business Analytics and Applied Machine LearningG3 
      RE6017 Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology ManagementG3 
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 5 Semester 1
      RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual PropertyG3 
      RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
      RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
      RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
      MSc Elective G3 
      Total for Graduate 18 
      Grand Total : 168

      Legend : 
      C – Core Courses                             LA – Liberal Arts                BM – Business & Management 
      P – Prescribed Elective                 GER C – General Core     UE – Unrestricted Electives 
      G – Graduate Courses​  

      Please click here for the course descriptions.  

      AY2018/2019 AU Requirement Table

      Year Of StudyMajor Requirements​General Education Requirements (GER)Total
      Core(C)Major  Prescribed Elective (P)GER-Core (GER C)GER Prescribed ElectiveUnrestricted Electives (UE)
      Liberal Arts [LA]Business & Management (BM)
      48 +12*15-3--26
      518* ----- 
      Total for Undergraduate138
      Total for Graduate30

      *Graduate level Courses

      Curriculum Structure

      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 1 Semester 1
      RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
      RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
      RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
      RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
      RE8011 Fundamentals of Management​BM3 
      RE0011 Writing & ReasoningGER C3 
      HY0001 Ethics And Moral ReasoningGER C1 
      Total 20 
      Year 1 Semester 2
      RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
      RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
      RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
      RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences And ElectromagnetismC3 
      RE8012 AccountingBM3 
      GC0001 Sustainability: Seeing through the hazeGER C1 
      Total 17 
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 2 Semester 1
      RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4

      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.

      Major Prescribed Elective 1P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 2   P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 3P3
      RE8013 Financial ManagementBM3
      RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerGER C3
      +Engineers & Society or +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      Total 22
      Year 2 Semester 2
      RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC4
      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.
      Major Prescribed Elective 4P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 5P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 6P3
      RE8010 Strategic MarketingBM3
      +Engineers & Society or +Introduction to Data Science & AIGER C3
      RE0004 Foundations of Engineering Leadership GER C1
      ML0003 Kickstart Your Career SuccessGER C1
      Total 21
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
      Professional AttachmentC5Note:
      Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 4 MPE courses, 2 Prescribed electives, and 2 UE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 18 AU of MPE, 3 AU of BM and 6 AU of UE.
      Major Prescribed ElectivesP12
      Prescribed ElectivesP6
      Business ElectiveBM3
      Unrestricted ElectivesUE6
      Total 32
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 4 Semester 1
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4Note:
      Based on a 51 AU requirement for MPE, the balance MPE-AU to fulfil in Year 4 depends on the MPE-AU already earned prior to Year 4. In general, students can expect to read at least 15 AU of MPE in Year 4. Table here assumes each MPE is 3AU.
      Major Prescribed Elective 7P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 8P3
      Prescribed Elective P3
      GER Prescribed ElectiveLA3
      RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Year 4 Semester 2
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4 
      Major Prescribed Elective 9P3 
      Prescribed ElectiveP3 
      RE6005 Digital TransformationG3 
      RE6013 Business Analytics and Applied Machine LearningG3 
      RE6017 Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology ManagementG3 
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 5 Semester 1
      RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual PropertyG3 
      RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
      RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
      RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
      MSc Elective G3 
      Total for Graduate 18 
      Grand Total : 168

      Legend : 
      C – Core Courses                             LA – Liberal Arts                BM – Business & Management 
      P – Prescribed Elective                 GER C – General Core     UE – Unrestricted Electives 
      G – Graduate Courses​  

      Please click here for the course descriptions.  

      AY2017/2018 AU Requirement Table

      Year Of StudyMajor Requirements​General Education Requirements (GER)Total
      Core(C)Major  Prescribed Elective (P)GER-Core (GER C)GER Prescribed ElectiveUnrestricted Electives (UE)
      Liberal Arts [LA]Business & Management (BM)
      48 +12*153---26
      518* ----- 
      Total for Undergraduate136
      Total for Graduate30

      *Graduate level Courses

      Curriculum Structure

      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 1 Semester 1
      RE1011 Mathematics IC4 
      RE1013 Materials and ManufacturingC3 
      RE1014 Electronics and Information Engineering C3 
      RE1015 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and ApplicationsC3 
      RE8011 Fundamentals of Management​BM3 
      HY0001 Ethics And Moral ReasoningGER C1 
      GC0001 Sustainability: Seeing Through The Haze
      GER C1 
      ML0001 Absolute Basics For CareerGER C1 
      Total 19 
      Year 1 Semester 2
      RE1012 Mathematics IIC4 
      RE1016 Engineering ComputationC3 
      RE1017 Introduction To Engineering MechanicsC3 
      RE1018 Introductory Thermal Sciences And ElectromagnetismC3 
      RE8012 AccountingBM3 
      SP0001 Writing & ReasoningGER C3 
      Total 19 
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 2 Semester 1
      RE2011 Renaissance Design IC4


      Major Prescribed Elective 1P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 2   P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 3P3
      RE8013 Financial ManagementBM3
      RE0003 Communicating As A 21st Century EngineerGER C3
      ML0002 Career Power UpGER C1
      Total 20
      Year 2 Semester 2
      RE2012 Renaissance Design IIC4
      Major Prescribed Elective 4P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 5P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 6P3
      RE8010 Strategic MarketingBM3
      RE0004 Foundations of Engineering Leadership GER C1
      GER Prescribed ElectiveLA3
      Total 20
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 3 @ Overseas Partner University
      Professional AttachmentC5Note:
      Year 3 overseas comprises 27 AU requirements, with about 4 MPE courses, 2 Prescribed electives, and 2 UE courses. Regardless of actual AU per course, the 27 AU earned overseas are transferred back to NTU degree audit as 18 AU of MPE, 3 AU of BM and 6 AU of UE.
      Major Prescribed ElectivesP12
      Prescribed ElectivesP6
      Business ElectiveBM3
      Unrestricted ElectivesUE6
      Total 32
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 4 Semester 1
      NOTE: Based on a 51 AU requirement for MPE, the balance MPE-AU to fulfil in Year 4 depends on the MPE-AU already earned prior to Year 4. In general, students can expect to read at least 15 AU of MPE in Year 4. Table here assumes each MPE is 3AU.
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4
      Note: +
      Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.
      Major Prescribed Elective 7P3
      Major Prescribed Elective 8P3
      Prescribed Elective P3
      +Engineers & SocietyGER C3
      RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering LeadershipG3
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
       13 (16)
      Year 4 Semester 2
      Final Year Project/ Renaissance Capstone ProjectC4

      Note: +Students will take the course with their respective schools when it is offered either in Semester 1 or 2.

      Major Prescribed Elective 9P3
      Prescribed ElectiveP3
      RE6005 Digital TransformationG3
      RE6013 Business Analytics and Applied Machine LearningG3
      RE6017 Ethics & Governance Issues in Technology ManagementG3
      +Engineers & SocietyGER C3
      Total for Undergraduate
      Total for Graduate
       10 (13)
      Course Code and TitleTypeAURemarks
      Year 5 Semester 1
      RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual PropertyG3 
      RE6015 Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: Real World ApplicationsG6 
      RE6016 System Thinking and Holistic Decision MakingG3 
      RE6018 Operations & Supply ChainsG3 
      MSc Elective G3 
      Total for Graduate 18 
      Grand Total : 166

      Legend : 
      C – Core Courses                             LA – Liberal Arts                BM – Business & Management 
      P – Prescribed Elective                 GER C – General Core     UE – Unrestricted Electives 
      G – Graduate Courses​  

      Please click here for the course descriptions.