Student Testimonials

The REP is undeniably challenging but what makes the journey so rewarding is the strong sense of community we have in REP and the opportunity to form close friendships. Forged by the many modules that we take together and the team-based learning pedagogy, our strong friendships extend across different specialisations like Computer Science and Electrical and Electronic Engineering and sub-specialisations. Furthermore, getting to work closely with passionate and driven individuals from various specialisations not only enhances our learning and understanding of other fields, but also provides opportunities to work in a multifaceted team and to leverage on each other’s strengths and competencies to deliver complex design projects and hackathons. 

Events planned by our REClub also serve to forge inter batch bonds.  Our cohesion is further enhanced by the many different interest groups such as soccer and HEAL within REP. I personally benefitted from the strong ‘peer mentoring’ culture, learning from my classmates’ sharing of their experiences from their specialisations and internships and from our discussion of academic concepts. The REP community also includes our seniors that had already graduated and started their careers, but who are always more than ready to render help and advice.

Nick Erwin Chia Zhiyang, Year 4 (R10)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

REP is special as it provides various opportunities for students to explore what interests and inspires them, and not just academically. Be it giving you a stage for your first dance performance, the freedom to prototype and build random ideas, or even opportunities to start putting what you have learnt to the test through competitions, hackathons, and job attachments. It is all there in REP if you are willing to grasp it. Beyond that, it is the friends you make in REP that are the true highlights. The vibrant and driven community exposes you to unique perspectives, supports and motivates you to chase your goals, all while making university life so much more lively. That being said, joining this unique programme is challenging yet very rewarding.

Chionh Zhenyu Daryl, Year 4 (R9)
Mechanical Engineering

Besides the obvious benefits that REP brings (guaranteed hall stay, 4.5 years dual degree programme, overseas exchange, and professional attachment), I believe the part that makes REP so valuable and special is the community itself. Having to work with like-minded individuals who are driven and motivated in their field of studies, learning is not just restricted to textbooks and materials, but instead through fruitful discussions and understanding of different perspectives. The REP community provides students with the necessary support and guidance throughout their years of studies. Students of different cohorts have the opportunity to get together during events, sharing on their future career aspirations and plans. Such interactions are helpful, especially for the junior year students where they can start to focus on a general direction to work towards. As REP is a small-knit community, not only did I manage to meet fellow REP mates, but I also get to build connections with REP alumni. I have personally reached out to alumni to understand more about the career prospects or job scopes in certain companies that I am interested in. During my years in REP, I also have an extremely caring REP professor mentor who always reaches out to ensure I am coping well in school and giving me advice which I think is awesome!

Kirk Tang Ji Wei, Year 5 (R8)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The REP experience has been amazing not only because of its programme but also because of the people. In REP, I find myself surrounded by many like-minded yet diverse individuals. We are like-minded in the sense that all of us share the same determination to achieve our goals and aspirations. Yet, we each have diverse interests in fin-tech, UI/UX, machine learning, AI, product design, robotics, the start-up experience and much more. REP encourages conversation and collaboration between students with different interests and skills. Through workshops held by other students, we are encouraged to expand our horizon and learn from each other. REP supports the expansion and implementations of our ideas by giving us the appropriate resources such as the Maker’s Lab and support from REP fellows. REP empowers students to always challenge themselves and strive to achieve their goals.

Lee Seung Hyun, Year 5 (R8)
Mechanical Engineering

The initial decision to join REP was not a difficult one. After all, the one-year exchange programme, and the 4.5 years of fast-tracked Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees basically sell themselves. However, the REP experience is much more than these two self-evidently attractive headlines. My peers in REP were all incredibly supportive and open to sharing, and the Team-Based Learning approach utilised by REP allowed me to work and interact with many different people. I never imagined that such a small group of students could be home to so many talented, driven, and passionate individuals, who constantly challenge and motivate me at the same time. REP also encourages student initiatives, and students could form many internal clubs to pursue a cause. I joined REACH, a REP project which provides students with opportunities to engage with the local community. Through this project, I had the chance to interact with members of the Visually Impaired community and employed my engineering skills to create solutions to tackle problems that they face. If you have an idea, I believe the staff in REP will be happy to provide you with the relevant support and resources. While the curriculum offered by REP may be demanding, I believe that both the curriculum and the peers in REP have helped me grow substantially.

Tan Chuan Xin, Year 5 (R8)
Computer Science


(Clement is third from the right)

My exchange at Imperial College London was life changing. Being in the vibrant city of London, I had the opportunity to meet so many inspiring people who were eager to make a difference in the world. They were not afraid to try new things, like starting a student club or running an event, and their drive and passion were truly contagious. The challenging courses at Imperial also gave me a great foundation for conducting research, equipping me with the knowledge and skills to tackle complex problems in my field.

Living in London opened doors to the research community, allowing me to connect with individuals working on cutting-edge projects. I had numerous thought-provoking conversations that provided insights into the latest developments and trends. These connections were instrumental in helping me immerse myself in the research world and explore potential collaborations. Taking advantage of my proximity to other renowned institutions, I also visited Oxford and Cambridge to meet with more top researchers. These interactions broadened my perspectives and gave me a comprehensive understanding of the academic landscape.

Clement Neo Hong Xiang, Year 4 (R10) 
Computer Science
The REP experience has been truly transformative for me, especially the year-long overseas exchange component. The extended duration provided me with ample opportunities to fully immerse myself in a different culture and forge lifelong friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 

The two semesters spent at an overseas university also facilitated significant professional growth through close interactions with professors and deep exploration of academic pursuits. I was able to build a strong foundation in my areas of interest during the first semester, which paved the way for more advanced technical studies and practical application opportunities in the second semester.

I believe this experience was a pivotal moment in my personal and professional development. It allowed me to integrate myself into a new environment and community, find my place within it, and eventually contribute meaningfully to the industry. This culminated in an internship in my field of interest, further solidifying the impact of this incredible opportunity.

The year-long exchange not only broadened my horizons academically but also empowered me to step out of my comfort zone, embrace new challenges, and discover my true potential. The memories, skills, and connections I made during this time will undoubtedly shape my future endeavours and remain as cherished aspects of my REP journey.

Yau Ying Lin, Year 4 (R10)
Environmental Engineering

(Wei Qi is second from left)

The Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) offers a comprehensive journey that broadens your perspective across the multifaceted domains of engineering and business. Over the course of 4.5 years, I have acquired a vast array of skills through a blend of coursework, as well as student-led and -initiated projects. One of REP's standout features is its nurturing and safe environment, which has played a pivotal role in fostering my development as a student. 

Beyond the academic realm, REP enriches your university experience with a distinctive overseas component, pushing you towards independence and equipping you with global insights that are rare among university students. Furthermore, REP boasts a vibrant alumni and student network, creating a supportive community where individuals can connect with peers who share similar interests and aspirations.

Wong Wei Qi, Year 4 (R10)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Before going on exchange, I could not fully appreciate the start-up culture and entrepreneurship scene. A full semester in the heart of Silicon Valley showed me just that. Being lectured by active angel investors and CEOs on their 5th or 6th successful start-up venture gave me fresh perspective and admiration for the passion and drive that these folks possess. I finally understood the significance of REP, oddly enough, whilst overseas and why a nation like Singapore needs to develop these competencies. The student experience at UC Berkeley was refreshing and novel, with a huge emphasis on self-directed learning and exploration. Be it attending guest lectures from the occasional Nobel Laureate or mingling with students from across the globe at International House (our residence), my days at UC Berkeley were never dull, and there was always something new to learn or experience daily. Getting a chance to immerse oneself in a foreign culture for such an extended period of time was nothing short of a blessing, and I would give anything to have the chance to do it all over again!

Alejandro Zikin Fok, Year 4 (R9)
University of California, Berkeley 

It was an eye-opening experience at the University of Toronto. Centrally located in Toronto, campus life is a dynamic mix of student experiences and education. The academic rigor of the courses is just right and in-person classes were amazing with engaging professors. It was always a joy to meet students from diverse backgrounds. Toronto has a very safe and friendly environment with many opportunities to interact with people all around the world. 

Corliss Lim Zi Hwee, Year 4 (R9)
University of Toronto
Computer Science

Going on exchange was definitely an eye-opening experience. I was able to experience school culture in a foreign country and even worked with local students of different backgrounds. Through this collaboration with the local students, I was able to learn more about their local work culture and the different working styles. Such interaction helped me gain greater insight into where I might see myself in the future. The beautiful UBC campus and the nearby beach provided a great avenue for students to unwind and relax. Throughout my time in Vancouver, I often had the opportunity to interact with the locals, even while doing something as mundane as grocery shopping. I enjoyed how the locals were very friendly and welcoming towards casual conversations. It is not a common sight or experience that we get to engage in small talks with strangers back in Singapore. Through my exploration during the exchange, I immersed myself in the diverse cultures and landscapes as well as the cool weather that is vastly different from Singapore. This exchange is once-in-a-lifetime and allowed me to broaden my horizons!

Ho Jia Jun Brandon, Year 4 (R9)
University of British Columbia
Mechanical Engineering

The pandemic disrupted many plans – including my dream to spend a full year in London as part of REP’s overseas experience. However, I’m thankful the arrangements worked out, and I had the opportunity to complete semester-long exchanges both locally (NUS) and abroad (Imperial College London). My time in London was extremely memorable! At Imperial, I took up modules from Computing, EEE and Business schools, and found the contents and mode of delivery to be extremely engaging, insightful and relevant. There was a common focus on coursework and teamwork which I valued, as that allowed me to truly appreciate the materials and experience real-life applications of the content taught. Despite the short time there, I joined the Imperial College Chamber Music Society and organized weekly music practices with 5 other like-minded Imperial students. This culminated in a masterclass and an end-of-term performance on the Imperial campus. But the most memorable moment was definitely the time forging strong bonds of friendship with my fellow REP batch mates – from CNY reunion dinners to weekly catch-ups and not to forget the trips to various European countries such as Norway, Italy and Spain!

Ng Ze Wei, Year 4 (R9)
Imperial College London
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

My internship with Bosch was a challenging but rewarding experience. I joined the company’s Automotive Electronics department and worked alongside skilled engineers currently developing the next generation of sustainable automotive products. Through the projects I took on, I gained valuable insights into the intricacies of sustainability practices within the industry and learned about the complex processes used to ensure the reliability of critical components.

My supervisors took an active interest in my development by bringing me along for site visits and encouraging me to sit in for meetings, helping me better understand both the different stages of the product development cycle as well as the connections between different business units within the organisation. This internship also offered an exceptional networking environment where I had the privilege of connecting with experienced, highly specialised professionals who were more than happy to share details of their career journeys.

Overall, I am very grateful for the opportunity to experience living and working in a new environment.

Carlos Rahul Obordo Karve, Year 4 (R10)
Mechanical Engineering

In 2023, I had an amazing summer doing my professional attachment in New York City, as a Software Engineer Intern with Robinhood, a financial technologies company. My role was to develop features for the Robinhood Wallet iOS mobile application, which is a self-custodial wallet that allows users to store and manage their own cryptocurrencies.

Throughout the internship, I found that the interdisciplinary classes from the Renaissance Engineering Programme had prepared me well for the role, especially since I was working in the intersection of finance and technology. Furthermore, this experience led me to realise that my work required a lot of collaboration with other parties, such as backend engineers, product managers and designers, and not just individually writing code. As a result, I found myself putting into practice the lessons I had learnt from REP’s engineering leadership and communication classes, especially since I was working with people from cultures significantly different from what I am used to in Singapore.

Overall, I learnt a lot from the overseas internship, including technical expertise and soft skills, and made lots of new friends from different backgrounds. I would strongly recommend everyone to step out of their comfort zone and experience an overseas internship!

Ivan Teo Zhi Ming, Year 4 (R10)
Computer Science

The Renaissance Engineering Programme is a gateway to opportunities. I took up various internships in both local firms and multinational corporations combining business acumen and technical expertise—knowledge from both my degrees.

In my first year in the programme, I secured a Management Associate intern position and was tasked to work on product management for sustainable PassivHaus technologies in German MNC Technoform Bautec. I also managed smart robotics, IoT and 5G projects in CapitaLand’s technical team, and served as a bridge between engineers and business leaders.

Most recently, I built analytical dashboards featuring supply chain status and developed Robotic Process Automation (RPA) programmes in ST Engineering (Commercial Aerospace). These internships allow me to apply multifarious facets of what I learnt in REP and are proof that learning both business knowledge and technical skills are invaluable assets.

While on exchange in University of California, Berkeley, I joined an externship with General Motors California, which inspired me to pursue further opportunities globally. I am excited to take this a step further by returning to America in the summer for an internship.

Ong Li Xin, Randelle, Year 4 (R10)
Mechanical Engineering

During my professional attachment, I did a software engineering internship with Visa under the network core processing department. I was tasked to start a custom project from scratch with the help of my colleagues to deploy a custom service for Visa. It was really exciting to be able to write and scrutinize code that could have a large impact on payment technologies such as in handling chargebacks and disputes. My internship was heavily learning on the job as well as building on fundamentals that I have learnt in REP and Computer Science. While I knew the basics of programming, the industry expectations and quality are usually much higher and more sophisticated, which really exposed me to the real-world applications and deployments of the code I wrote. One of my most memorable experiences was the final end-to-end demo that I did for the entire department towards the end of my internship to share my system design and final implementation. I think it is really important to be humble and be a keen learner! I was really challenged throughout the attachment to learn and pick up skills on the go and to constantly be adaptable to feedback and changing situations.

Gabriel Sze Whye Han, Year 5 (R8)
Computer Science
Interned at Visa, Singapore

As a business development/product management intern in GovTech’s GoBusiness department, I was tasked to ideate and analyse strategic use cases for their one-stop SME assistance portal. It was a highly intensive yet fruitful experience, as I was entrusted to craft possible roadmaps for the department. While my Professional Attachment was during the COVID-19 period, it was nothing short of memorable. I was able to connect with stakeholders from all walks of life, empathise with users on the ground and gain deeper insights into GoBusiness’s mission. It was eye-opening to see how the pandemic has affected so many SMEs – and how GoBusiness was adaptive to various challenges. Being a student entrepreneur, my Professional Attachment as a business development intern has contributed to my growth. I have learnt valuable skills on market analysis, business strategy and stakeholder management.  As this was my first business internship experience, I was glad that I took it up as my Professional Attachment. Having done engineering internships prior to this, I was able to acquire interdisciplinary skills during my stint in REP. 

Phileon Goh Ze Wei, Year 5 (R8)
Materials Engineering
Interned at GovTech, Singapore

It was an incredible experience interning at Dyson UK. I was a Research, Design and Development intern working alongside passionate design engineers, helping to design the next generation of Personal Care products. Beyond putting into practice the hard skills I picked up in school, I had the opportunity to learn from and work with the experts in the various fields like Finite Element Analysis and Materials, to name a few. I was able to gain a deeper appreciation of the dynamic, collaborative environment that Dyson actively cultivates, and I often felt empowered by the strong sense of autonomy offered by Dyson's workplace culture. For instance, my manager listed the desired goals and gave me the freedom to achieve them in whichever way I deem fit. It was a joy to work in such an exciting company, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

Loh Xing Bao Colin, 2022 Graduate 
Mechanical Engineering
Interned at Dyson, UK

It was an incredibly valuable experience to work at the Data Science team in McLaren Applied Technologies (MAT), London. MAT has a unique ‘tech start up’ culture and the workplace environment was very flexible and comfortable. I was given a fair amount of autonomy for my professional attachment project and my supervisors had conducted frequent catch-up sessions to ensure that I can raise queries when needed. Taking part in their ‘what-are-we-up-to’ meetings also gave me more exposure to the technologies used in the industry and piqued my academic interests. My module selection at Imperial was also largely influenced by my time at MAT, as I could relate the academic knowledge to the tools used in the industry. My supervisor was also very kind in giving me the opportunity to visit the headquarters at McLaren Technology Centre in Woking, where the iconic and legendary McLaren cars are exhibited. As a Formula 1 fan myself, that trip was something I can never forget!

Shawn Chen, 2022 Graduate 
Computer Engineering
Interned at McLaren Applied Technology, London