Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering

Single Degree

The School offers a four-year undergraduate degree programme in Bioengineering (BIE). Upon graduation, successful students will be awarded direct honours. Bioengineering at NTU starts by asking where graduates will be hired and developed a curriculum that combines both engineering and life science with entrepreneurship as key components quite different from other universities.
Bioengineering at NTU is a fusion of multiple disciplines applying engineering principles to solve problems in biology and medicine. Students are introduced to regulatory affairs as early as the first year, exposing them to commercialisation processes and arranging hospital attachments so that they will interact with clinicians to understand medical device implementations and patient care. Many bioengineering graduates work in manufacturing sector. For example, pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical instrument and healthcare supplies. A significant number also works for hospitals, government agencies such as HSA and research institutes like A*Star. 

The BIE curriculum blends modern biological principles with advanced engineering methods in electronics, materials, mechanics, biocomputing and informatics to train high standard engineers for biomedical and biotechnology industries as well as healthcare and clinical services. The first three years of the programme covers the core bioengineering subjects to help students to develop a strong foundation in the fundamental principles, build sound practical expertise and engineering judgement. The programme is also integrated with a compulsory semester-long internship to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experiences in applying their engineering knowledge, develop good communication and interpersonal skills, work ethics, and professionalism. In the final year, students are to read Biomedical Project Design & Management, Medical Device Design and Final Year Project, which will better prepare students for the rigorous demands of today’s bioengineering industry.

Unique Feature

  • 4-year direct honors programme 
  • Strong grounding in the fundamentals of bioengineering principles 
  • Rigorous training in systematic problem-solving skills 
  • Multi-disciplinary training in emerging bioengineering areas 
  • Good manufacturing practice (GMP) training for engineers in biomedical and biotechnology industries
  • Solid science foundation for medical and advanced research programmes
  • Industrial attachment - Valuable experience either at local or overseas firms in manufacturing or R&D
  • Accelerated Bachelor’s Programme (ABP)* - Fast track programme enabling completion of undergraduate degree in three and a half years
  • Undergraduate Research on Campus (URECA) programme* - Opportunities for research attachments within NTU. 
  • Global Immersion Programme (GIP)* - Opportunities for six-month stints in one or more of the following countries: China, India, France, Switzerland and USA

*Students need to satisfy certain requirements to be eligible for these special programmes offered by NTU

Click here to view programme brochure.

Admission Requirements

GCE ‘A’ LEVEL: H2 Level pass in Mathematics and H2 Level pass in Physics  / Chemistry / Biology / Computing  

POLYTECHNIC DIPLOMA: An engineering diploma from local polytechnics.  

Relevant diplomas (by merit) may be exempted from selected courses. For the list of  acceptable local diplomas, please refer to Office of Admission website. 

INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA: Mathematics at Higher Level and Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Computer Science at Higher Level.

NUS HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA: Major CAP of 2.0 in Mathematics and Major CAP of 2.0 in Physics / Chemistry / Biology

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Mathematics at Senior High School Level and Physics / Chemistry / Biology at Senior High School Level


Please visit the Office of Admission website for more details. 

Admission enquiries for local students: 

Tel: (65) 6790 5055 or (65) 6790 5972 

Admission enquiries for international students: 

Tel: (65) 6790 5806 or 6790 5807 

Course Exemptions

Exemptions are done only for Freshmen in Semester 1. Invitation with details will be sent out to eligible students before the school semester starts. Keep a lookout for the email if you wish to apply.  

Please note that all exemption requests are to be submitted by the 1st week of the semester.



    Grade ‘A’ for a H2 subject relevant to the course to be exempted 


    Grade ‘7’ for a HL subject relevant to the course to be exempted 


    Major Cap of 4.7 for a subject relevant to the course to be exempted 


Applicants may be granted exemption for up to a maximum of 3 courses  from the table below. 

BG2211 Introduction to Computational ThinkingComputing/ Computer Science / Computing Studies
MH1810 Mathematics IMathematics
PH1011 PhysicsPhysics


Exemptions for polytechnic students will be reviewed annually and circulated online before school starts. Top local polytechnic students may be granted course exemptions depending on the diploma and courses that students have taken in their respective polytechnic, and if they satisfy the requirements/conditions set by the School. Generally, students with relevant Advanced Certificate, Diploma Plus certificate and/or Certificate of Merit or Distinction may be considered for exemption from up to 4 courses or 12 AU, depending on the relevance of the polytechnic courses taken and the grades obtained. 

All Exemption submissions should be accompanied by the following Supporting Documents:

  1. Transcript
  2. Certificate of Merit (Or Distinction) / Diploma Plus / Advanced Certificate

Programme Structure & Duration

The period of study for the (BIE) is f​our academic years.

During the period of study, a student must pursue courses of study as prescribed by Regulations made by the Academic Board on the recommendation of the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB).


The courses of study and the distribution of courses for B.Eng. (BIE) will be determined by CCEB with the approval from the University. Each Course will be assigned a certain number of Academic Units (AUs) as determined by the University. The total number of AU required in B.Eng. (BIE) programme to qualify for graduation is 136/137^ AU. 

There are five course types in the curriculum:

Major Requirement - Core Courses (Core)

Core courses are offered throughout the programme of study. They are foundation courses designed to provide essential training in the fundamental of chemical engineering.

Major Requirement - Major Prescribed Elective Courses (Major PE)

Major PE courses provide students with opportunities to explore specialized areas of Bioengineering in more depth and intensity. The students may select their courses of study according to their own interests and career goals.

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core Requirement - Common Core Courses (Common Core)

The Common Core courses are specified by the University as being essential to train today's Engineering graduates, covering areas such as communication and environmental sustainability.

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core Requirement - Foundational Core Courses (Foundational Core)

Students are required to read and pass the Foundational Core Courses from a range of areas such as compulsory Professional Internship and Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. The number of AUs to be read in each area is specified by the School and in the table below.

Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)

The BDE requirement is an extended version of the Unrestricted Electives (UE) which accommodates greater diversity of choices that better align with the graduate attributes through more varied forms of curricular, co-curricular as well as experiential learning. BDE may be used to fulfil requirements for double major, second major, minor, and work-study degree programmes. It may also be used to read MOOCs approved by NTU or to read graduate level courses. General electives catering to broad interests, such as foreign language courses, can continue to be read under BDE. BIE students are required to read and pass 21AU of BDE. Students may select to read any courses from the list of BDE offered by all Schools within the University. 


Students are to fulfil the specified AU requirement in the B.Eng. (BIE) programmes, according to the different course types in the curriculum structure indicated below. ​ The distribution of the courses of study and the associated number of AUs are shown in the tables below.

B.Eng (Hons) in Bioengineering (BIE)

(AY2022 - 2023 Intake onwards)

Academic Units (AU)
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC)

Common Core (University-level)

  • CC0001 Inquiry and Communication in the Interdisciplinary World (2 AU)
  • CC0002 Navigating the Digital World​ (2 AU)
  • CC0003 Ethics & Civics in a Multi-Cultural World (2 AU)
  • CC0005 Healthy Living & Wellbeing (3 AU)
  • CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy & Environment (3 AU)
  • CC0007 Science & Technology for Humanity (3 AU) 
  • ML0004 Career and Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World (2 AU)

Foundational Core (College-level)

  • HW0288 Engineering Communication (2 AU)
  • CB0494 Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (3 AU)
  • BG3880 Professional Internship (10 AU) 
Major RequirementBIE Core77/78^
BIE Major Prescribed Electives (MPE)6
Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)21
Total AU Requirement136/137^


ProgrammeYear of StudyNumber of Academic Units (AUs)
Major RequirementInterdisciplinary Collaborative CoreBroadening and Deepening ElectivesTotal
Core (C)Major PE (MPE)Common Core (CC)Foundational Core (FC)
Bioengineering121/22^ 9
226 83
4176  629


For information about the University's Academic Unit System, Grade Point Average System and calculation of Honours classification, please refer to the AUS Handbook here.


Related Programmes:


BIE Curriculum and Course Syllabus

Please find the latest BIE curriculum here 

Career Prospects

The biomedical engineering and sciences sector have seen a healthy growth and is slated to be a key engine of future growth in Singapore.

In the recent five years, Singapore has invested approximately S$2 billion in biomedical industry and institutions. Graduates who can understand both languages of engineering and biomedical sciences can find attractive opportunities in industries, research institutes, hospitals and organisations that deal with biomedical instrumentation, medical devices, biomaterials, drug discovery and others.

Specifically, they may find jobs in companies such as Agilent Technologies, GE Medical, Siemens Medical Instruments, Attogenix Biosystems, and WelchAllyn International; research institutions such as Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Bioinformatics Institute; hospitals such as Singapore General Hospital, National University Hospital; or they may continue their study in medical schools or top Ph.D. programmes around the world.

Year 2021 Graduate Employment Survey (GES) by Ministry of Education, Singapore

The Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted annually to survey the employment conditions of the graduates, about six months after their graduation. The Ministry of Education publishes the results of the key employment indicators of the survey every year to provide prospective students with timely and comparable data to assist them in making informed course decisions.

View the 2021 Graduate Employment Survey results of Singapore.

For Bioengineering Career FAQ please click here.


Our Bachelor of Engineering (Bioengineering) at NTU School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB) are accredited by The Institution of Engineers Singapore, the Singapore signatory of the Washington Accord, through its Engineering Accreditation Board. The Washington Accord is an international agreement for mutual recognition of the substantial equivalence of engineering academic programmes in satisfying the academic requirements for the practice of engineering at the professional level.

Our curricula provide an excellent foundation for either graduate study or employment.  The education and research activities in the School are strongly aligned with its mission and programme educational objectives (PEOs). PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the programme is preparing graduates to achieve.

Our PEOs are aligned closely with the EAB’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). They are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.

Mission Statements of the School

The School aims to provide educational experiences that facilitate the students to:

  • Gain thorough understanding of the fundamentals of life and chemical sciences.
  • Deftly solve challenging problems in chemical and biomedical engineering and related areas while understanding the implications of such solutions to society.
  • ​Develop good communication and management skills through teamwork in the execution of experimental and design projects.

B. Eng. (Hons) Bioengineering Programme

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs*)

To fulfil the mission and to realize the vision of the University and the School, CCEB’s Bioengineering (BIE) Programme is formulated to produce graduates who have the following attributes 3-5 years after their graduation:


Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) – By the Engineering Accreditation Board

The programme must demonstrate that by the time of graduation, the students have attained the 12 graduate attributes:



Students can earn minors during their course of study. ​Minor programmes equip students with multiple skills and broader knowledge, beyond what their major disciplines may provide.

Click  here to view minor listing.