2nd Runner-up in HKUST International Case Competition 2018
About the Competition: HKICC is a prestigious invitation-only tiered one international business case competition, held in Hong Kong annually. This was the 15th iteration of the competition. The cases were on Lifestyle Holdings International, a listed company in HKEx with most of their businesses in the operations of SOGO Hong Kong. For Case 1, the contesting teams had to come up with a sustainability proposal for SOGO within 3 hours and for Case 2, it was a digitalisation strategy for the growth of SOGO in HK in 22 hours.
Date of the competition: 20 - 26 October 2018
Achievement: 2nd Runner-up
REP Students: Milla Samuel and Team
Kick off case: Tiered sustainability award system encouraging business partners to adopt sustainable practices.
Final Case: Two pronged digital strategy to target local and tourist customer segments based on their behavourial patterns when shopping
Please click here for more details.