IdeasJam 2024


Name of the competition: IdeasJam 2024

About the competition: This is an ideathon organised by EEE@Garage and it comprises specially curated workshops and mentors to guide participants to go through ideation, business model development and pitching. Each group can plan the best start-up ideas aligned with their problem statement. They can choose from four themes: Finance, Energy, Healthcare and Supply Chain.

Date of the competition: 18 May 2024 

Achievement: Champion

Prize: $2500

REP Students: Dhruval Kenal Kothari (first from left), Nabeel Muhammad Bin Abu Bakar (first from right), Oh Sheng Han (not in photo). 

Product/Proposal: Virtual Physiotherapy Assistant 

The team chose Healthcare and its solution revolutionises the field of physiotherapy with the development of a mobile application that uses any smartphone camera to assist in exercise form detection and monitoring using AI. This virtual solution makes management seamless for physiotherapists and recovery more convenient for patients, saving both time and money.


From left (first and third): Dhruval Kenal Kothari and Nabeel Muhammad Bin Abu Bakar