Day of Ceremony

If you are attending the Convocation, please take note of the following:

Code of Conduct

The Convocation Ceremony is a solemn and dignified occasion to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates and the support of their families and friends. 

As a form of respect to the Presiding Officer, the Academic Procession, all graduands and guests present, graduands are reminded to adhere to the following:

• Attire: You should be attired appropriately in your full academic dress i.e. gown, hood and mortarboard or bonnet (for PhD graduates) throughout the ceremony.

• Do not bring prohibited items into the Nanyang Auditorium that may disrupt the Convocation ceremony. This includes noise-making devices such as air horns and party poppers, signs, banners or flags, balloons and other inflatables and party items. 

• Mobile devices are to be switched to silent mode throughout the whole ceremony.

• During the ceremony: 

- Graduands and guests should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner that demonstrates respect toward other graduands, guests, the Presiding Officer, speakers, faculty and staff members on stage. Inappropriate or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. This includes and is not limited to taking ‘selfies’ or ‘wefies’ on stage, stunts or any other forms of disruptions. Anyone who disrupts or interferes with the ceremony will be escorted out of the Auditorium. 

- Please remain in your seat throughout the whole ceremony except when being presented to the Presiding Officer.

- When you are presented on stage, you should receive your folder from the Presiding Officer with a handshake. After that, you will walk across the stage, descend the steps at the opposite end and walk up the side aisle to exit the theatre to collect your degree certificate and transcript before returning to your seat. 

- You are to follow the instructions and directions of the marshals during the ceremony.


Admission for Graduates

All graduates must register their attendance at the allocated registration counters. Please note that graduates, who are not properly attired, will not be allowed to register and attend the ceremony.

Please have your QR Code and identification documents ready when you join the queue. Documents which are accepted for attendance taking are: matriculation card, identity card, passport, driving license and other valid photo identification. Graduates will be issued 2 attendance cards after you have registered your attendance. 

Please keep both of your attendance cards. You will need to present one card to the stage marshal before being presented on stage, and the second card during the collection of your degree certificate and transcript off-stage.


All graduates must be seated at least 15 minutes before the start of their ceremony. Entry to Nanyang Auditorium will be closed 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony. Graduates are advised to be early to avoid disappointment.

During the Ceremony

You will be presented to the Presiding Officer according to your seating arrangement. Please remain in your seat throughout the ceremony.

At the appropriate time, marshals will indicate to you when and where to stand while waiting to be presented.

Once your name is announced, walk forward and receive your folder from the Presiding Officer.  The Official Photographer will take a picture of you when you receive the folder.  After that, you will walk across the stage, descend by the steps at the opposite end and walk up the side aisle to exit the theatre to collect your degree certificate and transcript before returning to your seat. Please follow the directions given by the marshals.

End of Ceremony

All graduates and guests are required to leave the event area at the end of the ceremony.

Graduates will exit the event area first, followed by the guests. Graduates and guests are to follow the directions of the ushers. 

Unauthorised Surveys

Graduates are reminded not to disclose their personal information to surveyors during Convocation. NTU does not conduct any survey during Convocation.

Graduate Listing

In support of the campus-wide initiative to promote environmental sustainability, the Graduate Listing will be published solely in an electronic format. The listing will be available for the duration of Convocation.


Restricted / Prohibited Items 

For the safety of those attending the Convocation, please note that the following items are not permitted into the Nanyang Auditorium theatre:

  1. bags or luggage of dimensions larger than 35cm x 20cm x 30cm;
  2. objects that may cause discomfort or harm to others;
  3. food and beverage;
  4. bicycles, skateboards, skates and scooters;
  5. helmets of any forms;
  6. banners or flags
  7. balloons or other inflatables;
  8. other items as determined by NTU that may cause injury or public nuisance.

Random checks will be conducted by the Campus Security Officers.

Please note the following:

For security reasons, please avoid leaving any personal belongings, suitcases, backpacks, carrier bags and packages unattended. Unattended items will be removed. NTU does not accept any responsibility for the safe-keeping of removed items. Suitcases, backpacks, carrier bags and packages will be disposed of after the event.

All guests will be issued a wristband for admission into the Nanyang Auditorium theatre. The wristband should be prominently worn for the ushers to identify them.

Safe Workplace for All

Please be nice to our staff. We are here to help.

Any forms of violence, abuse, or threats will not be tolerated, and the University reserves the right to take further action or report to the relevant authorities if necessary.

Our organisation vehemently opposes any unauthorised sale of convocation admission QR codes designated for guest attendance.  We prioritise the integrity of our ticketing system to ensure fairness and accessibility for all patrons. 

In the event that unauthorised convocation admission QR codes or unauthorised sale of convocation admission QR codes are discovered, the University reserves the right to take any immediate and necessary actions to rectify the situation.  This may include invalidating such unauthorised convocation admission QR codes; denying entry to the premises of the NTU Convocation; implementing stricter security measures; and pursuing legal recourse against those involved in unauthorised sale of convocation admission QR codes.

If you come across any unauthorised sale of ticket, please report it to