Book Chapters

Dindyal, J. (2012). Commentary on the Chapter by Wolfgang Schlӧglmann,"Mathematics Education for Adults: Can it Reduce Inequality in Society?". IN Forgasz, H., & Rivera, F. (EDS.), Towards Equity in Mathematics Education: Advances in Mathematics Education (PP. 309-313). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Hogan, D., Rahim, R., Chan, M., Kaur, B. & Towndrow, P. (2012). Disciplinarity and the logic of instructional tasks in secondary 3 mathematics lessons in Singapore. IN Gillies, R. (ED.), Pedagogy: New developments in the learning sciences (PP. 337-369). NY: Nova Publishers.
Kaur, B. & Toh, T.L. (2012). Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics: An Introduction. IN Kaur, B. & Toh, T.L. (EDS.), Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics (PP. 1-10). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kaur, B. (2012). Some "What" strategies that advance reasoning and communication in primary mathematics classrooms. IN Kaur, B. & Toh, T.L. (EDS.), Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics (PP. 75-88). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kaur, B. (2012). The Circular Flower Bed Problem. IN Blum, W., Ferri, R.B. & Maab, K. (EDS.), Mathematikunterricht im Kontext von Realitat, Kultur und Lehrerprofessionalitat - Festschrift fur Gabriele Kaiser (PP. 90-97). Deutschland: Springer Spektrum.
Kaur, B. & Ghani, M. (2012). Learning Experiencies of Low Attainers. IN Kaur, B. & Ghani, M. (EDS.), Low Attainers in Primary Mathematics (PP. 133-158). Singapore: World Scientific press.
Kaur, B., Koay, P.L., Foong, P.Y. & Sudarshan, A. (2012). An Exploratory Study on Low Attainers in Primary Mathematics (LAPM). IN Kaur, B. & Ghani, M. (EDS.), Low Attainers in Primary Mathematics (PP. 1 - 18). Singapore: World Scientific Press.
Kaur, B., Koay, P.L., Foong, P.Y. & Chang, S.H. (2012). Recommendations for Teachers. IN Kaur, B. & Ghani, M. (EDS.), Low Attainers in Primary Mathematics (PP. 159-176). Singapore: World Scientific Press.
Pang, W. K. A., & Dindyal, J. (2012). Students’ Reasoning Errors in Writing Proof by Mathematical Induction. IN Kaur, B., & Toh, T.L. (EDS.), Reasoning, Communications and Connections in Mathematics (PP. 215-238). Singapore: World Scientific.



Chan, C. M. E. (2012). 101 Math Triggers (PP. 101). Singapore: Pearson.
Fong, H. K., Gan, K. S., & Ng, W. L. (2012). Math in Focus: Singapore Math Student Book 6A (PP. 286). Boston: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Fong, H. K., Gan, K. S., & Ng, W. L. (2012). Math in Focus: Singapore Math Teacher's Edition 6A (PP. 314). Boston: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Fong, H. K., Gan, K. S., & Ng, W. L. (2012). Math in Focus: Singapore Math Teacher's Edition 6B (PP. 362). Boston: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Fong, H. K., Gan, K. S., & Ng, W. L. (2012). Math in Focus: Singapore Math Student Book 6B (PP. 320). Boston: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Kaur, B. & Toh, T.L. (EDS.). (2012). Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics (PP. 326). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kaur, B., Boey, K.L., Areepattamannil, S. & Chen, Q. (2012). Singapore's Perspective: Highlights of TIMSS 2007 (PP. 80). Singapore: National Institute of Education.
Kaur, B. & Ghani, M. (EDS.). (2012). Low Attainers in Primary Mathematics (PP. 220). Singapore: World Scientific.
Ng, K. E. D., & Lee, N. H. (2012). Mathematical modelling: A collection of classroom tasks. Singapore: Alston Publishing House Private Limited.
Ng, W. L. (2012). Teaching and Learning Calculus with the TI-Nspire (PP. 179). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Toh, T.L., Quek, K.S., Tay, E.G., Toh, P.C., Ho, F.H., Leong, Y.H., Dindyal, J. (2012). A Problem Solving Approach to Differential Equations - Mathematics Practical (PP. 82). Singapore: Pearson Publishing.


Conference Papers published in proceedings

Ang, K.C. (2012). Mathematical Modelling as a Learning Experience in the Classroom. In Proceedings of the 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (pp. 84-92). Bangkok, Thailand: ATCM.
Areepattamannil, S., & Kaur, B. (2012, July). Influences of self-perceived competence in mathematics and positive affect toward mathematics on mathematics achievement of adolescents in Singapore. IN J. Dindyal, L. P. Cheng, & S. F. Ng (EDS.) Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1, 91-97.
Cheang, W. K. (2012). Bias of ML Estimator for Multivariate Regression Model with Vector AR(1) Noise. In Yang, W. C., Majewski, M., de Alwis, T., & Khairiree, K. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (pp. 215-224). Blacksburg, United States: Mathematics and Technology, LLC.
Chua, B. L., & Hoyles, C. (2012). Seeing through students' eyes: The best-help strategy for pattern generalisation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education (pp. 2012 - 2021). Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Chua, B. L., & Hoyles, C. (2012). The effect of different pattern formats on secondary two students' ability to generalise. In Tso, T. Y. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol 2 (pp. 155 - 162). Taipei, Taiwan: PME.
Ho, F. H. & Ng, W. L. (2012, July). How Prospective Mathematics Teachers Solve The Equation f(x) = f^-1(x) Using The Graphing Calculators. IN (EDS.) ICME-12 The 12th International Congress On Mathematical Education Pre-Proceedings, 1, 3537-3546.
Ho, W. K., Ho, F. H., & Dindyal J. (2012, July). Pre-service teachers' use of symmetry of quadratic graphs in problem solving. IN (EDS.) 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME), 12, 7171 (1-9).
Hong, S.E., Lee, N.H., & Yeo, J.S.D. (2012). A metacognitive approach in kickstarting the understanding and planning phases of mathematical problem solving. In ICME-12 (Ed.) ICME-12 Pre-proceedings (Electronic) (pp. 4615-4623). Seoul, Korea: ICME-12.
Kaur, B. (2012, April). Towards professionalism: The learning journey of mathematics teachers in Singapore. IN Cho, C., Lee, S., Choe Y. (ED.) Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mathematics Education 2012 Spring Conference on Mathematical Education, 1, 3-10.
Kaur, B. (2012, July). Nurturing excellence in mathematics instruction: Singapore's perspective. IN Tso.T.Y. (ED.) Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 138-141.
Kaur, B., & Areepattamannil, S. (2012, July). Influences of metacognitive and self-regulated learning strategies for reading on mathematical literacy of adolescents in Australia and Singapore. IN J. Dindyal, L. P. Cheng, & S. F. Ng (EDS.) Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1, 385-392.
Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., Chan, C. M. E., & Seto, C. (2012). Activating teacher critical moments through reflection on mathematical modelling facilitation. . In J. Brown & T. Ikeda (Eds.), The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12) electronic pre-conference proceedings TSG17: Mathematical applications and modelling in the teaching and learning of mathematics (pp. 3347-3356). Korea: Seoul: ICME12.
Ng, W. L. & Sun, Y. D. (2012, December). The effect of a portable computer algebra system (CAS) on pre-university students’ attitudes towards CAS. IN Yang, W. C., Majewski, M., de Alwis, T., & Khairiree, K. (EDS.) Proceedings of the 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 1, 246-256.
Quek, K.S., Leong, Y.H., Tay, E.G., Toh, T.L., Dindyal, J. (2012, July). Diffusion of the Mathematics Practical Paradigm in the Teaching of Problem Solving: Theory and Praxis. IN Dindyal, J., Cheng, L.P., Ng, S.F. (ED.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1, 618 - 624.
Seto, C., Thomas, M., Ng, K. E. D., Chan, C. M. E., & Widjaja, W. (2012). Mathematical modelling for Singapore primary classrooms: From a teacher’s lens. In J. Dindyal, L. P. Cheng & S. F. Ng (Eds.), Mathematics education - Expanding horizons: Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (pp. 672-679). Singapore: MERGA, Inc.
Tan, L.S., & Ang, K.C. (2012). Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematical Modelling Instruction. In 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (pp. 714-721). Singapore: MERGA.
Toh, P.C., Toh, T.L., Ho, F.H., Quek, K.S. (2012, July). Use of Practical Worksheet in Teacher Education at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels. IN Dindyal, J., Cheng L.P., Ng, S.F. (ED.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 35, 734 - 745.
Toh, T.L., Quek, K.S., Tay, E.G., Leong, Y.H., Toh, P.C., Dindyal, J., Ho, F.H. (2012, December). Selection of problems for a problem solving module: from a specialised school to the mainstream schools. IN Cheeseman, J. (ED.) It's my math: Personalised mathematics learning, 1, 114 - 123.
Yeo, J. B. W. (2012, July). Problem posing in mathematical investigation [refereed]. IN Dindyal, J., Cheng, L. P., & Ng, S. F. (EDS.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: Mathematics Education: Expanding Horizons, 0, 809-816.


Conference Papers without proceedings

Ang, K.C. (2012, September). Mathematics Teachers Preparation - the Singapore experience. Paper presented at Mathematics and Science Education Colloquium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Chan, C. M. E. (2012, July). Engaging pupils in mathematical modelling. Paper presented at Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia, Singapore.
Cheang, W. K., Teo, K. M., & Zhao, D. (2012, July). Assessing mathematical competencies using disciplinary tasks. Paper presented at 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul, Korea.
Kaur, B. (2012, July). EPMT project: A hybrid model of PD for mathematics teachers. PAPER PRESENTED AT International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul.
Lee, N.H. (2012, SEP). Pedagogy and Assessment - Linking Teaching and Learning in the Mathematics Classroom. Keynote Address, Conference to mark Launch of the South Zone Centre of Excellence for Mathematics, Singapore, Singapore.
Lee, N.H. (2012, SEP). Games and Mathematical Learning - Lesson Learnt. Keynote Address, East Zone Centre of Excellence Mathematics Conference on Games in the Mathematics Classrooms, Singapore
Leong, Y. H., Toh, P. C., Dindyal, J., Ho, F. H., & Tay, E. G. (2012, July). Diffusion of the mathematics practical to mainstream secondary schools in Singapore. PAPER PRESENTED AT 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Singapore.
Ng, W. L. (2012, March). Developing Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. PAPER PRESENTED AT The 5th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, Phnom Penh.
Syed, M. J., & Dindyal, J. (2012, November). Students’ Misconceptions about Limits. PAPER PRESENTED AT Science Mathematics and Technology Education Conference, Muscat.


Journal Articles

Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., & Seto, C. (2012). Assessment of primary 5 students' mathematical modelling competencies. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 35,(2), 146-178.
Cheng, L. P., Lee, P.Y. (2012). A Singapore case of lesson study. The Mathematics Educator, 21,(2), 10-33.
Dindyal, J., Tay, E. G., Toh, T. L., Leong, Y. H., & Quek, K. S. (2012). Mathematical Problem Solving for Everyone: A New Beginning. The Mathematics Educator, 13,(), 51-70.
Kaur, B. (2012). Enhancing the pedagogy of mathematics teachers' project: A partnership between university scholars and classroom teachers. Experiments in Education, 40,(4), 35-43.
Lee, N.H., & Ferrucci, B. (2012). Enhancing Learning Of Fraction Through The Use Of Virtual Manipulatives. Research Journal of Mathematics & Technology, 1(2), 97-110.
Leong, Y.H., Toh, T.L., Tay, E.G., Quek, K.S., & Dindyal, J. (2012). Relooking "Look Back": A student's attempt at problem solving using Polya's model. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 43,(3), 357-369.
Ng, W. L. & Ho, F. H. (2012). On Solving the Equation f(x) = f^(-1)(x). Mathematics Teaching, 228,(), 40-43.
Tay, E. G., & Leong, Y. H. (2012). Explaining definitions in secondary school mathematics: a^0, a^n, 0!. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 26(2), 28-37.
Yeo, J. B. W. (2012). Game combining magic square and tic-tac-toe. Mathematics Teacher, 106,(1), 34-39.
Yeung, A. S., Lim, K. M., Tay, E. G., Lam-Chiang, A. C. & Hui, C. (2012). Relating use of digital technology by pre-service teachers to confidence: A Singapore survey. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(8), 1317-1332.