Book Chapters
Choy, B. H., & Dindyal, J. (2021). Developing the competencies of Mathematics teacher-researchers. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., Tay, E. G., & Yan, Y. K. (Eds.), Singapore Math and Science Education Innovation - Beyond PISA(PP. 287-298). Singapore : Springer. |
Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., & Safii, L. (2021). Facilitation of students metacognition: Some insights gleaned from mathematics classrooms in Singapore secondary schools. In Kaur, B. & Leong, Y. H. (Eds.), Mathematics instructional practices in Singapore secondary schools(PP. 105-122). Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. |
Kaur, B., Tay, E.G., Toh, T.L., Leong, Y.H., & Lee, N.H. (2021). A Study of the Enacted School Mathematics Curriculum in Singapore Secondary Schools. In Kaur, B. & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.),Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 17-43). Singapore: Springer. |
Lee, N.H., & Safii, L. (2021). Teaching Practices That Promote Mastery in Mathematics Learning in Singapore Secondary School Classrooms. In Kaur, B., & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 79-103). Singapore: Springer. |
Lee, N.H., Kaur, B., & Safii, L. (2021). The Enacted Curriculum - Students' Perspectives of Good Mathematics Lessons in Singapore Secondary Schools. In Kaur, B., & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 183-201). Singapore: Springer. |
Leong, Y.H., Cheng. L.P., & Toh, W.Y.K. (2021). Use of challenging items in instructional materials by Singapore secondary school mathematics teachers. In Kaur, B., & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics instructional practices in Singapore secondary schools(PP. 231-248). Singapore: Springer. |
Ng, K. E. D. & Tay, E. G. (2021). Paving the way for mathematical literacy in the 21st century: Pre-service mathematics education, professional development and professional networks. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., Tay, E. G., & Yan, Y. K. (Eds.), Beyond PISA: Singapore math and science education innovation (209-226). Singapore : Springer Nature. |
Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., Tay, E. G., & Yan, Y. K. (2021). Introduction. In O. S. Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay, & Y. K. Yan (Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation – Beyond PISA (pp. TBA). Singapore : Springer Nature. |
Tay, E. G., & Kaur, B. (2021). Mathematics teacher education in Singapore. In Thompson, D. R., Suurtamm, C., & Huntley, M. A. (Eds.), International perspectives on mathematics teacher education (pp. 93-111). Charlotte, NC: International Age Publications. |
Ho, W. K. & Tay, E. G. (2021). K-12 school mathematics curriculum: Insights on development, renewal and future orientation. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., Tay, E. G., & Yan, Y. K. (Eds.), Singapore Math and Science Education Innovation: Beyond PISA (pp. 107-136). Singapore: Springer Nature. |
Kaur, B., Tay, E.G., Tong, C.L., Toh, T.L. & Quek, K.S. (2021). The Instructional Core that Drives the Enactment of the School Mathematics Curriculum in Singapore Secondary Schools. In Kaur, B. & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(pp. 45-59). Singapore: Springer. |
Kaur, B. & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.). (2021). Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools (PP. 345). Singapore: Springer. |
Ng, K. E. D., Seto, C., Lee, N. H., Liu, M., Lee, P. C. J., & Wong, Z. Y. (2021). Constructivist learning design: Classroom tasks for deeper learning (PP. 82). Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. |
Tan, O.S., Low, E.L., Tay, E.G., & Yan, Y.K. (Eds.). (2021). Singapore math and science education innovation Singapore: Springer Nature. |
Conference Papers published in proceedings
Kaur, B. (2021, July). Aspects of excellence in mathematics education. In Leong, Y.H., Kaur, B., Choy, B.H., Yeo, J.B.W. & Chin, S.L. (Eds.), >Excellence in Mathematics Education: Foundations and Pathways Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1, 47-48. |
Kaur, B. (2021, July). Models of mathematics teaching practice in Singapore secondary schools. In Leong, Y.H., Kaur, B., Choy, B.H., Yeo, J.B.W. & Chin, S.L. (Eds.),Excellence in Mathematics Education: Foundations and Pathways Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Mathematics Research Group of Australasia, 1, 67-70. |
Kaur, B., Jahabar, J.M., & Tong, C.L. (2021, July). Perceptions of big idea of equivalence amongst mathematics teachers in primary schools. In Inprasitha, M., Changsri, M., & Boonsena, N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 152. |
Kaur, B. (2021, July). The enacted school mathematics curriculum Mastery learning in Singapore secondary schools. In Inprasitha, M., Changsri, N., & Boonsena, N (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 19-31. |
Conference Papers without proceedings
Lee, N.H. (2021, September).Developing Case Method for Teaching and Learning - Constructivist Approaches. Paper presented at Optimising Participative and Collaborative Learning, Bandung, Indonesia. |
Lee, N.H. (2021, September).Developing Case Method for Teaching and Learning - Positioning Constructivism from the perspective of Learning Theories. Paper presented at Optimizing Participative and Collaborative Learning, Bandung, Indonesia. |
Low, L., Ang, Y.H., & Lee, N.H. (2021, July).Developing Students' Metacognitive Practice: A Systematic Approach.Paper presented at The 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China. |
Cheng, L. P., Seto, C., Lee, N. H., Wong, Z. Y., & Lee, J. (2021, July).Inquiry-based learning in the mathematics classroom: Insights from a case of two lessons.Paper presented at The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai, China. |
Lee, N.H. (2021, July).Invited Lecture: A Constructivist Approach Towards Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Singapore: Rationale, Issues, and Challenges.Paper presented at The 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China. |
Koh, Z.F.E., Low, L., & Lee, N.H. (2021, July).Sustainability and Scaling Up of School-based Teacher Professional Development Programme.Paper presented at The 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China. |
Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., Seto, C., Liu, M., Lee, J., & Wong, Z. Y. (2021, July).Towards differentiated instruction: Insights from constructivist learning design.Paper presented at 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China. |
Journal Articles
Tay, Y.X., Bakar, R.A. & Kaur, B. (2021). Hospital training challenges during covid-19 in Singapore: Radiographers' experience of continuing professional development in social distancing mode.Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 41 (1), 13-15. |
Clivaz, S., & Dindyal, J. (2021). Representations graphiques et resolutions de problemes: Le cas de Singapour.Grand N, 108(null), xxx. |
Dindyal, J., Schack, E. O., Choy, B. H., & Sherin, M. G. (2021). Exploring the terrains of mathematics teacher noticing.ZDM - Mathematics Education, 53(1), xxx. |
Choy, B. H., & Dindyal, J. (2021). Productive teacher noticing and affordances of typical problems. ZDM Mathematics Education, 53(1), 195-213. |
Lee, N. H., Lee, J., & Wong, Z. Y. (2021). Preparing Students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution through Mathematical Learning: The Constructivist Learning Design.Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, 31 (3), 321-356. |
Leong, Y.H., Cheng, L.P., Toh, W.Y., Kaur, B., & Toh, T.L. (2021). Teaching students to apply formula using instructional materials: a case of a Singapore teacher’s practice.Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33(1), 89-111. |
Leong, Y.H., Toh, T.L., Tay, E.G., Quek, K.S., Toh, P.C., & Dindyal, J. (2021). Scaling up of continual professional development for mathematics problem solving in Singapore schools.International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19(6), 1291-1310. |
Tan, D. Y., Tay E. G., Teo, K. M., & Shutler, P. M. E. (2021). Hands, Head and Heart (3H) framework for curriculum review: emergence and nesting phenomena.Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106(2), 189-210. |
TOH Tin Lam, TAY Eng Guan and TONG Cherng Luen(2021), Fallacies about the Derivative of the Trigonometric Sine Function, the Mathematician Educator, 2(1), 1-10. |
NG Wai Kuen and LEONG Yew Hoong (2021), A Listing Approach for Counting Problems, the Mathematician Educator, 2(1), 33-46. |
CHIN Sze Looi, CHOY Ban Heng and LEONG Yew Hoong (2021), A Tri-Lens Approach for Unpacking Teachers’ Design of Instructional Materials,the Mathematician Educator, 2(1), 47-62. |
Berinderjeet KAUR, BOOK REVIEW – Big Ideas in Mathematics,the Mathematician Educator, 2(1), 63-66. |
TAY Eng Guan, Tangrams: On Attention and Error (2021),the Mathematician Educator, 2(2), 67-75. |
TOH Pee Choon, Twelve Erroneous Proofs (2021), the Mathematician Educator, 2(2), 76-85. |
NG Wee Leng, TEO Kok Ming, WONG Khoon Yoong and KWAN Kang Ling (2021), A Semester-Long Flipped Calculus Course for Pre-Service Teachers in Singapore,the Mathematician Educator, 2(2), 107-126. |