Book Chapters

Cheng, L. P. (2014). Teaching for Mathematical Abstraction. IN P.C. Toh, T.L.Toh, & B. Kaur (EDS.), Learning experiences to promote mathematics learning (PP. 131-151). Singapore: World Scientific.
Dindyal, J. (2014). International comparative studies in mathematics: An overview. IN Lerman, S. (ED.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (PP. 320-325). New York: Springer Dordrecht.
Ho, W.K. (2014). Learning through "plane punctuality". IN Lee, N.H., & Ng, K.E.D. (EDS.), Mathematical Modelling -- From Theory to Practice (PP. 167-176). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kaur, B. (2014). It matters how students learn mathematics. IN Toh, P.C., Toh, T.L. & Kaur, B. (EDS.), Learning experiences to promote mathematics learning (PP. 1-12). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kaur, B. (2014). Developing Procedural Fluency in Algebraic Structures - A Case Study of a Mathematics Classroom in Singapore. IN Leung, F.K.S., Park, K., Holton, D. & Clarke, D. (EDS.), Algebra Teaching around the World (PP. 81-98). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Lee, N.H. (2014). The Singapore Mathematics Curriculum Development - A Mixed Model Model Approach. IN Li, Y., & Lappan, G. (EDS.), Mathematics Curriculum in School Education (PP. 279-303). New York: Springer.
Lay, Y. F., Areepattamannil, S., Ng, K. T., Karnasih, I., & Kaur, B. (2014). Teacher and classroom correlates of TIMSS 2011 Grade 8 mathematics achievement in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand. IN Ong, S. L., Gonzalez, E. J., & Kanageswari, S. S. (EDS.), TIMSS 2011: What can we learn together? (Vol. 1) (PP. 84-103). Penang: SEAMEO RECSAM.
Tay, E. G., & Toh, P. C. (2014). Learning Mathematical Induction through Experiencing Authentic Problem Solving. IN Toh, P. C., Toh, T. L., & Kaur, B. (EDS.), Learning experiences to promote mathematics learning (PP. 209-226). Singapore: World Scientific.



Chan, C. M. E. (2014). Assessment for learning: Strategies to enhance primary mathematics learning (PP. 93). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Chan, C. M. E. (2014). Overcoming learning difficulties in primary mathematics (PP. 138). Singapore: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Collars, C., Koay, P.L., Lee, N.H., & Tan, C.S. (2014). Shaping Maths Activity Book 2A (PP. 162). Singapore: Marshall Cavenish Education.
Collars, C., Koay, P.L., Lee, N.H., & Tan, C.S. (2014). Shaping Maths Coursebook 2A (PP. 146). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Collars, C., Koay, P.L., Lee, N.H., & Tan, C.S. (2014). Shaping Maths Coursebook 2B (PP. 148). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Lee, N.H., & Koay, P.L. (2014). Shaping Maths Teacher's Planning Guide 2A & 2B (PP. 755). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Collars, C., Koay, P.L., Lee, N.H., & Tan, C.S. (2014). Shaping Maths Activity Book 2B (PP. 190). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education.
Toh, P.C., Toh, T.L., & Kaur, B. (EDS.). (2014). Learning experiences to promote mathematics learning (PP. 300). Singapore: World Scientific.
Yeo, J. B. W., Teh, K. S., Loh, C. Y., Chow, I., Neo, C. M., Liew, J., & Ong, C. H. (2014). New Syllabus Mathematics 2 (PP. 418). Singapore: Shinglee.


Conference Papers published in proceedings

Ang, K.C., and Tan, L.S., Professional Development for Teaching in Mathematical Modeling, Proceedings of the 19th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2014, pp 33-42.
Chan, C. M. E. (2014). Exploring group dynamics of primary 6 students engaged in mathematical modelling activities. In Anderson, J., Cavanagh, M, & Prescott, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (pp. 127-134). Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Inc.
Dindyal, J., Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Leong, Y. H., Toh, T. L., Toh, P. C., & Ho, F. H. (2014, May). Cognitive scaffolding for problem solving: Use of the practical worksheet. IN Careira, S., Amado, N., Jones, K., & Jacinto, H. (EDS.) Technology, creativity and affect in mathematical problem solving, 1, 265-274.
Ganesan, R., & Dindyal, J. (2014, June). An investigation of students' errors in logarithms. IN Anderson, J., Cavanagh, M, & Prescott, A. (EDS.) Curriculum in focus: Research guided practice, 1, 231-238.
Ho, W. K. (2014). Exact Real Calculator for Everyone. In Yang, W.-C., Majweski, M., Alwis, T., & Rana, I. K. (Eds) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Asian Technological Conference in Mathematics (ATCM) (pp. 1-15). Bombay, India: Mathematics and Technology, LLC.
Kaur, B. (2014, July). A study of lessons for low attainers in primary mathematics. IN Oesterle, S., Nicole, C., Liljedahl, P. & Allan, D. (EDS.) Proceedings of the joint PME 38 and PME-NA 36., 6, 125.
Kaur, B. (2014, June). Evolution of Singapore's School Mathematics Curriculum. IN Anderson, J., Cavanagh, M.& Prescott, A. (EDS.) Curriculum in focus - Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the MERGA, 1, 24-37.
Lim, P., Fu, S. & Foong, P.H.S. (2014, December). Magic Tricks in the Teaching of the Arithmetic Mean. IN Vincent, J., FitzSimons, G. & Steinle, J. (EDS.) Maths Rocks, 1, 94-101.
Tay, E. G., Toh, P. C., Dindyal, J., & Deng, F. (2014, July). TONY’S STORY: READING MATHEMATICS THROUGH PROBLEM SOLVING. IN Nicol, C., Oesterle, S., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (EDS.) Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education., 5, 225-232.
Toh, P. C., Leong, Y. H., Toh, T. L., & Ho, F. H. (2014, January). Designing tasks for conjecturing and proving in number theory. IN Oesterle, S., Liljedahl, P., Nicol, C., & Allan, D. (EDS.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, 5, 257-264.


Conference Papers without proceedings

Kaur, B. (2014, July). School mathematics curriulum in a centralised system - An example of a national curriculum.. PAPER PRESENTED AT PME 38 and PME-NA 36 Conference 2014, Vancouver.
Kaur, B., Areepattamannil, S., Lee, D. H. L., Hong, H., & Su, R. H. C. (2014, April). Does bullying at school predict student academic performance? Evidence from 65 countries. PAPER PRESENTED AT the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia.
Kaur, B. & Thompson, D.R. (2014, April). Reasoning in the Middle Grades: It's Easier Than You Think. PAPER PRESENTED AT National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Loh, M.Y., & Lee, N.H. (2014, November). Metacognitive strategies employed in solving arithmetic word problems.. PAPER PRESENTED AT Third International Symposium on Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta.
Lee, N.H. (2014, December). Plenary - An Evolution of Primary Mathematics Textbooks in the 21st Century - A Singapore Perspective. PAPER PRESENTED AT International Forum on Mathematics Textbook, Seoul.
Lee, N.H. (2014, May). Plenary - Effectiveness and Efficiency in Teaching and Learning Mathematics. PAPER PRESENTED AT Policy, Governance and Capacity Building Teachers' Conference 2014, Manila.
Tan, H. S., Ng, K. E. D., & Cheng, L. P. (2014). Assessment literacy among primary school mathematics teachers. Paper presented at Curriculum in focus - Research guided practice: The 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Sydney, Australia.


Journal Articles

Chua, B. L., & Hoyles, C. (2014). Generalisation of linear figural patterns in Secondary School. The Mathematics Educator, 15(2), 1 – 30.
Chua, B. L. (2014, November). Preparing your children for Secondary One Mathematics. PopClub: Education Guide, Issue 46, 8.
Chua, B. L. (2014, August). Solve Maths problems with simpler methods. PopClub: Education Guide, Issue 45, 5.
Kaur, B. (2014). Mathematics education in Singapore - An insider's perspective. Journal on Mathematics Education, 5,(1), 1-16.
Kaur, B. (2014). Enactment of school mathematics curriculum in Singapore: whither research!. ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46,(5), 829-836.
Lee, N.H., Yeo, D.J.S., & Hong, S.E. (2014). A metacognitive-based instruction for Primary Four students to approach non-routine mathematical word problems. ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46,(3), 465-480.
Lee, N. H., & Tan, B. L. J. (2014). The Role Of Virtual Manipulatives On The Conrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach In Teaching Primary Mathematics. The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology, 8,(Special), 102-121.
Leong, Y.H., Tay, E.G., Quek, K.S., Yap, S.F., Tong, C.L., Toh, W.Y.K., Chia, A., &, Ong, Y.T. (2014). Note-taking in a mathematics classroom. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 40,(4), 21-25.
Luo, W., Hogan, D., Tan, L. S., Kaur, B., Ng, P. T.,& Chan, M. (2014). Self-construal and students’ math self-concept, anxiety and achievement: An examination of achievement goals as mediators. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17,(3), 184-195.
Ng, S.K.B. & Kaur, B. (2014). Using enhanced feedback to improve the learning of mathematics. The Mathematics Educator, 15,(2), 101-119.
Toh, T.L., Tay, E.G., Quek, K.S., Leong, Y.H., Toh, P.C., Ho, F.H., Dindyal, J. (2014). Teaching Problem Solving in Secondary School Mathematics Classrooms. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 37,(1), 21 - 43.
Toh, P. C., Leong Y. H., Toh, T. L., Dindyal, J., Quek, K. S., Tay, E. G., & Ho, F. H. (2014). The problem-solving approach in the teaching of number theory. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45,(2), 241-255.
Yeo, J. B. W. (2014). Mathematical investigation proficiency among Singapore secondary school students: An exploratory study. Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal, 4,(1), 3-21.