Book Chapters

Kaur, B., Tay, E.G., Toh, T.L., Leong, Y.H., & Lee, N.H. (2021). A Study of the Enacted School Mathematics Curriculum in Singapore Secondary Schools. In Kaur, B. & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 17-43). Singapore: Springer.
Lee, N.H., & Safii, L. (2021). Teaching Practices That Promote Mastery in Mathematics Learning in Singapore Secondary School Classrooms. In Kaur, B., & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 79-103). Singapore: Springer.
Lee, N.H., Kaur, B., & Safii, L. (2021). The Enacted Curriculum - Students' Perspectives of Good Mathematics Lessons in Singapore Secondary Schools. In Kaur, B., & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Mathematics Instructional Practices in Singapore Secondary Schools(PP. 183-201). Singapore: Springer.
Tan, W.C., & Lee, N.H. (2020). Promoting metacognition through lesson closure. In Lee, N.H., Seto, C., Rahim, R.A., & Tan, L.S. (Eds.), Mathematics teaching in Singapore Vol. 1: Theory-informed practices(PP. 249-262). Singapore: World Scientific.
Lee, N.H., Seto, C., Rahim, R.A., & Tan, L.S. (2020). Theory-Informed Practices: Enhancing Teaching, Empowering Learning. In Lee, N.H., Seto, C., Rahim, R.A., & Tan, L.S. (Eds.), Mathematics teaching in Singapore Vol. 1: Theory-informed practices(PP. 1-3). Singapore: World Scientific.
Choy, B. H., Low, L., & Leong S. L. (2020). Differentiated instruction in our mathematics classrooms. In Lee, N. H., Seto, C., Rahim, R. A., & Tan, L. S. (Eds.), Mathematics teaching in Singapore Vol. 1: Theory-informed practices(PP. 263-277). Singapore: World Scientific.
Pang, Y. P., Zhu, Y, & Sultan, K. (2020). Realising constructivist learning design in the teaching of gradients of curve. In Lee, N.H., Seto, C., Rahim, R.A., & Tan, L.S. (Eds.), Mathematics teaching in Singapore Vol. 1: Theory-informed practices (PP. 153-172). Singapore: Singapore: World Scientific.
Bobis, J., Kaur, B. Cartwright, K. & Darragh, L. (2020). Teachers' professional learning and development in mathematics education. In Way, J., Attard, C., Anderson, J., Bobis, J., McMaster, H., & Cartwright, K. (Eds.), Research in Mathematics Education 2016-2019 (pp. 117-146). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Hunter, J., Miller, J., Choy, B. H., & Hunter, R. (2020). Innovative and Powerful Pedagogical Practices in Mathematics Education. In J. Way, C. Attard, J. Anderson, J. Bobis, H. McMaster, & K. Cartwright (Eds.), Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2016–2019 (pp. 293-318). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Choy, B. H., & Lee C. K-E. (2020). Going deeper into lesson study through kyouzai kenkyuu. In A. Murata, & C.K.-E. Lee (Eds.). (2020). Stepping up Lesson Study: An Educator’s Guide to Deeper Learning (1st ed.). Routledge.



Lee, N.H., Seto, C., Rahim, R.A., & Tan, L.S. (Eds.). (2020). Mathematics teaching in Singapore Vol. 1: Theory-informed practices (PP. 332). Singapore: World Scientific.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., & Lee, S. (2020). think! Additional Mathematics A (PP. 298). Singapore: Shinglee.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., & Lee, S. (2020). think! Additional Mathematics B (PP. 207). Singapore: Shinglee.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., Lee, S., & Ong, C. H. (2020). think! Mathematics Normal (Academic): Secondary 1A (PP. 177). Singapore: Shinglee.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., Lee, S., & Ong, C. H. (2020). think! Mathematics Normal (Academic): Secondary 1B (PP. 245). Singapore: Shinglee.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., Lee, S., & Ong, C. H. (2020). think! Mathematics: Secondary 1A (PP. 213). Singapore: Shinglee.
Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Teh, K. S., Wong, L. F., Lee, S., & Ong, C. H. (2020).think! Mathematics: Secondary 1B (PP. 248). Singapore: Shinglee.


Conference Papers published in proceedings

Choy, B. H. (2020). Where to put the decimal point? Noticing opportunities to learn through typical problems. In M., Changsri, N. & Boonsena, N. (Eds). Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Interim Vol, pp. 107-115. Khon Kaen, Thailand: PME.


Conference Papers without proceedings

Lee, N.H., Balakrishnan, G., & Seto, C. (2020, October). Plenary: Strengthening the MOE-NIE Research Nexus - The Constructivist Learning Design for Singapore Secondary Mathematics Curriculum Research Project. Paper presented at 2020 MOE Professional Forum for Research and Practice: Relevance and Impact - Thought Leadership to Shape the Future of Education, Singapore.


Journal Articles

Choy, B. H., Lee, M. Y., & Mizzi, A. (2020). Insights into the Teaching of Gradient from an Exploratory Study of Mathematics Textbooks from Germany, Singapore, and South Korea. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 15(3), em0592.  https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/8273
Leong, Y.H., Cheng, L.P., Toh, W.Y., Kaur, B., & Toh, T.L. (In-press). Teaching students to apply formula using instructional materials: a case of a Singapore teacher’s practice. Mathematics Education Research Journal, DOI:, 10.1007/s13394-019-00290-1.
Ng, W. L., Teo, K. M., Wong, K. Y, & Kwan, K. L. (2020). Nature and Perceptions of Pre-Class Tasks Used in a Flipped Linear Algebra Course for Pre-Service Teachers. The Mathematician Educators, 1(2), 83-191.
Tan, D. Y., Tay E. G., Teo, K. M., & Shutler, P. M. E. (2021). Hands, Head and Heart (3H) framework for curriculum review: emergence and nesting phenomena.Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106(2), 189-210.
Tay, E. G. (2020). Close encounters with a mathematics journal paper. The Mathematician Educator, 1(1), 2-13.
Toh, P. C., Ho, W. K., Leong, Y. H., Tay, E. G., & Tong, C. L. (2020). Four Solutions of a Geometry Problem. The Mathematician Educator, 1(2), 75-82.