Books Chapters

Choy, B. H. (2022). STEM teacher education: Confluences of policy, professional learning, and practice. In T. W. Teo, A. L. Tan, & P. Teng (Eds.), STEM Education from Asia: Trends and Perspectives (pp. 63 - 68). Routledge.


Conference Papers published in proceedings

Cheng, L. P., Balakrishnan, G., Wong, Z. Y., & Lee, N. H. (2022, January). Reflection Model to Facilitate Teachers’ Adoption of the Constructivist Learning Design. In Fitzallen, N., Murphy, C. & Hatisaru, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1, 122-129.
Choy, B. H., Dindyal, J., & Yeo, J. B. W. (2022). Making visible a teacher’s pedagogical reasoning: An aspect of pedagogical documentation. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Volume 2, pp. 163-170).
Choy, B.H., Dindyal, J., & Yeo, J. B. W. (2022). Making Visible a Teacher’s Pedagogical Reasoning and Actions Through the Use of Pedagogical Documentation. In N. Fitzallen, C. Murphy, V. Hatisaru, & N. Maher (Eds.), Mathematical confluences and journeys (Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, July 3‒7), pp. 138‒145. Launceston: MERGA
Chin, S.L., Choy, B.H., & Leong, Y. H. (2022). Considerations for Teaching with Multiple Methods: A Case Study of Missing-value Problems in Proportionality. In N. Fitzallen, C. Murphy, V. Hatisaru, & N. Maher (Eds.), Mathematical confluences and journeys (Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, July 3‒7), pp. 138‒145. Launceston: MERGA
Chin, S. L., Choy, B. H., & Leong, Y. H. (2022). Exploring the affordances of a worked example offloaded from a textbook. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education  (Volume 2, pp. 139-146). International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.


Journal Articles

Choy, B. H. (2022). Research–practice partnerships through lesson study: learning through the three worlds of experiences. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(1), 169-177. doi:10.1080/02188791.2022.2036696
Chin, S. L., Choy, B. H., & Leong, Y. H. (2022). Overlaps and shifts of instructional goals in the design of a set of mathematics tasks. Mathematics Education Research Journal. doi:10.1007/s13394-022-00425-x
Jiang, H., Choy, B. H., & Kim Eng, C. L. (2022). Boundary actions for collaborative learning: a practical perspective of adapting lesson study in a Singapore primary school. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(1), 58-75. doi:10.1080/02188791.2022.2031878
Kaur, B., Leong, Y.H. & Attard, C. (2022). Teachers as designers of instructional tasks. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 34(3), 483-489.
Leong, Y. H., Yeo, B. W. J., & Choy, B. H. (2022). Instructional materials as a site to study teachers’ planning and learning. Mathematics Education Research Journal. doi:10.1007/s13394-022-00430-0
Leong, Y.H. (In-press). Contours of self‑efficacy across nested mathematical domains: A case of a Singapore student with a history of low performance in mathematics. Mathematics Education Research Journal. DOI:10.1007/s13394-021-00394-7.
Leong, Y.H., Cheng, L.P., Toh, W.Y., Kaur, B., & Toh, T.L. (in press). Teaching students to apply formula using instructional materials: a case of a Singapore teachers practice. Mathematics Education Research Journal, DOI:, 10.1007/s13394-019-00290-1.
Leong, Y.H., Yeo, B.W.J, & Choy, B.H. (2022). Instructional materials as a site to study teachers’ planning and learning. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 34(3), 575-598.
Sakai, T., Akai, H., Ishizaka, H., Tamura, K., Lee, Y.-J., Choy, B. H., & Ozawa, H. (2022). Changes in qualities and abilities of Japanese teachers through participation in Global Lesson Study on mathematics.International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 11(4), 290-304.
Tay, X. W., Toh, T. L., Cheng, L. P. (in press).Primary school students' perception of comic instructions in the mathematics classroom: a case study. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.
Toh, T.L., & Cheng, L. P. (2022). Using comics to contextualise the teaching of percentage: An adaptation of a comics-based teaching package for primary school mathematics classrooms. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 27(2), 25-30.
Toh, T.L. (2022). Teachers' instructional goals and their alignment to the school mathematics curriculum: A case study of the calculus instructional material from a Singapore pre-university institution. Mathematics Education Research Journal, Online First(X), 1-29.
Toh, T.L., Toh, P.C., Teo, K.M., & Zhu, Y. (2022). On Pre-Service Teachers' Content Knowledge of School Calculus: An Exploratory Study. European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), 91-103.
Tay, E. G., & Wong, H. W. W. (2022). Congruence as an Extension to Parity. The Mathematician Educator, 3(2), 75-84.
Tay, E. G., Teo, K. M., Toh, T.L., Toh, P. C., & Leong, Y. H. (2022). Teaching undergraduate mathematics – a problem solving course for first year. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 20(2), 183-206.