Promotion of Women in Engineering, Research and Science (POWERS)

Empowering Women to Change the World with STEM
The POWERS programme was officially launched by Madam Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore, Prof Subra Suresh, President of NTU, and Assoc Prof Sierin Lim and Kimberly Kline, Co-Chairs of Women at NTU, at the WiEST Symposium held on 5 March 2021.
Supported by Singapore's Ministry of Education and NTU’s College of Engineering, College of Science, Graduate College and WOMEN@NTU, POWERS will recruit and empower women with a long-term goal of increasing gender diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers.
At POWERS, we believe women will pursue STEM when they believe they belong and can succeed in STEM. We aim to break barriers of women in STEM, and empower them to pursue STEM education and careers by creating a supportive ecosystem through connection, research and education.
Activities & Opportunities

POWERS believes that guidance from STEM practitioners contributes to talent retentions.

Student & Affinity Groups
POWERS fosters a sense of belonging to women in STEM through community groups where members can develop organizational and leadership skills.
What We Do

We want the next generation of women to view themselves as agents of change where they utilise their STEM education to create innovative solutions that make the world a better place.
We connect women to their peers, mentors, and role models in academia and industry.
- Symposium to celebrate the work of amazing female role models
- Workshops to help women develop professional and personal skillsets
- Joint programmes with industry partners to connect students to professionals

We conduct research to understand gender parities in Singapore and explore areas of intervention developments to change the status quo in STEM.
Fewer than half of all women degree students study STEM in Singapore, and even fewer go on to join the STEM workforce. Our research shows that the more women believe that women belong in STEM, the more likely they are to pursue a career in STEM.

We work with the STEM community, including academic, industry, and government stakeholders to change mindsets and create opportunities for women to succeed in STEM industries.
We need the collective effort of all Singaporeans to join us in dismantling barriers that discourage women from pursuing STEM education and careers.
- Seminars to educate the community on STEM topics
- Community outreach events and activities to engage society
- Mentoring programme for female students in STEM
Research - Closing the Gender Gap in STEM

Narrowing the gender gap in STEM can contribute significantly to the development of Singapore’s innovation capabilities and the country’s economy. However, few studies have been conducted in Singapore to understand gendered interests and careers in STEM.
In our recent research study, we explored (1) the career pathway of STEM graduates in Singapore; (2) the gender differences in preferred career activities; (3) beliefs about women in STEM (4) the gender differences in STEM self-efficacy (confidence in science and math abilities, to understand gendered interests and careers in STEM).
POWERS found that only 58% of women who graduated with a STEM diploma or degree work in STEM. This number is lesser compared to the 70% of men who had STEM education and pursued a STEM career.
Read the white papers
STEM Holds Tremendous Possibilities
Past Event: WiEST Symposium 2025
Check out the programmePast Events

Talk by Professor Dame Sally Davies
Women@NTU and POWERS hosted a talk by Dame Sally Davies, the first woman to hold the position of UK Chief Medical Officer and Master of Cambridge's Trinity College.
Dame Sally spoke on "Science, Government and the Biggest Threat to Modern Medicine"
The talk was followed by a discussion with the audience!
Date & Time: Tuesday, 21 February at 10:15-11:30 AM
Venue: LT4 (Yunan Campus)

IES X POWERS Symposium 2022
A big thank you to all speakers and participants for joining us! The symposium organised by Engineers Singapore (IES) and Promotion of Women in Engineering, Research, and Science (POWERS) was a success! We hope you enjoyed the session as we much as we did, as we brought you inspiring engineers and innovators who are making a difference in frontline innovation during the pandemic.
Join Us to Propel Women in STEM

We thank our sponsors who have supported us through their global and diverse networks, career connections, promotion assistance, and financial contributions.
Contact Us

61 Nanyang Drive, Academic Block North, ABN-01b-11, Singapore 637335
Show location
For enquiries, please write to us at