
Time Programme
12:30 pmEvent Welcome
12:35 pm

Event Opening
Prof Subra Suresh, President, NTU Singapore 
12:40 pm

Event Address
Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry
12:45 pm

Memento Presentation and Photo Taking
Dr Tan See Leng, Minister, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry
Prof Ling San, Provost, NTU Singapore
Ms Lien Siaou-Sze, Vice President University Advancement, NTU Singapore
Assoc Prof Sierin Lim, Chair of POWERS, NTU Singapore
1:00 pm

POWERS 1st Anniversary
Assoc Prof Sierin Lim, Chair of POWERS, NTU Singapore
1:10 pm

Panels Discussion -  Closing the Gender Gap in STEM
Ms Geri Kan, HP Inc (Moderator)
Dr Tan See Leng, Ministry of Manpower
Mr Andy Sim, Dell Technologies
Ms Geraldine Chin, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific
Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee, NIE NTU Singapore
Assoc Prof Sierin Lim, POWERS, NTU Singapore
1:55 pm

Panels Discussion - STEM Forward: Empowering and Hiring Women in STEM
Dr Mousumi Bhat, SWE@SG (Moderator)
Mr Santosh Kumar, Soul Probe
Ms Juhi Singh, SWE@NTU
Ms Claire Hsieh, Women in Tech @NTU 
Ms Nirvi Badyal, HeforShe @NTU
2:25 pm

Cert Presentation and Event Closing
Assoc Prof Sierin Lim, Chair of POWERS, NTU Singapore



On the first anniversary of the POWERS, we are hosting two panel discussions featuring inspiring leaders to discuss the cultural and structural changes needed to close the persistent gender gap in STEM, innovative paradigms for empowering women by constituencies, and efforts from women chapters to support students in pursuing STEM careers.

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