Teaching & Learning Workshops

The Centre for Teaching, Learning & Pedagogy, together with colleagues from the Learning Technology & Digital Media from Centre of IT Services, NTU Library and Educational Development from Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, are offering interactive workshops on pedagogical practices and the use of technology tools in teaching areas.

The workshops aim to impart teaching strategies and applications to faculty and staff and are tailored to address the rigours of learning and teaching in higher education today.

For any enquiries, please contact [email protected].

NTULearn for New Users

This foundation course will introduce you to the basic features in NTULearn. Participants will learn to navigate the interface of NTULearn, apply the essential features, creating of folders for the uploading and publishing of course materials, with the settings of ‘adaptive release’ and setting up of collaborative tools within NTULearn.  


    NTULearn Assessment Tools and e-Proctoring

    This course will introduce you to the general view of Assessment Tools in NTULearn. Participants will learn to setup various types of assessment tools, e-proctoring tools, viewing of grades and publishing of grades in NTULearn.  


      NTULearnVideo for Teaching and Learning

      This online demo will introduce you to the fundamental features of NTULearnVideo. Academic staff and school support staff will learn to navigate the interface of NTULearnVideo, video quiz, hotspots in video creating of course channel playlists, publishing, and collaborating of course media materials, and video analytics. This course is essential for the basic applications of NTULearnVideo for teaching and learning.  


        Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)

        LAMS is a revolutionary tool for designing, managing and delivering online collaborative learning activities . It provides the faculty with a highly intuitive visual authoring environment for creating sequences of learning activities to engage and maximise our students’ learning experiences.

        The overall aim of the workshop is to provide a general overview of what LAMS is. We will also look at how it is integrated within NTULearn (NTU’s Learning Management System). There will be a brief introduction to the LAMS Community site and the resources that are offered. The workshop will be highly practical with participants having ample opportunity to explore the Learner, Monitor and Authoring interfaces in LAMS. There will be a number of ready-made sequences available for participants to look at and/or adapt.


        NTU CourseReserves – Course Readings at your Fingertips

        This workshop is an introduction to the NTU CourseReserves platform, and will guide participants to utilize the essential functions of the platform. The objective of this workshop will help participants to become familiar with the use of NTU CourseReserves to organise their Course Readings.   


        LKCMedicine TBL Series: Introduction to TBL

        This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the basic principle and structure of TBL and get them to understand TBL in the LKCMedicine context. This workshop will also be an opportunity for participants to consider the factors that influence the manner in which students learn, and how teaching staff can best facilitate that learning in a TBL classroom. 


          LKCMedicine TBL Series: Team Application Exercises Writing

          Participants in this workshop will work with the TBL 4S framework – significant problem, same problem, specific choice and simultaneous report, to design effective team applications that work!


            LKCMedicine TBL Series: Content Expert Best Practice

            In LKCMedicine’s TBL classroom, lessons are carried out with a rotational team of faculty as Content Experts, and a set team of Facilitators, trained in student-centred and constructivist pedagogy, as Pedagogical Process Experts.

            Through this e-workshop, senior Content Experts will share tips and tricks about TBL preparation, as well as how to effectively share and make use of the teaching space in the TBL classroom in order to optimize the learning experience for students. As most of the incoming content experts could be new to their roles and functions, a quick guide on roles and co-teaching in a TBL class will be shared too.


            Teaching Portfolio Workshop

            One of the main intentions of a teaching portfolio for P&T is to demonstrate that you are a purposeful and deliberate teacher who has a reason for teaching as you do. Teaching portfolios demonstrate both teaching practice and an ability to reflect on teaching. Purposeful and deliberate teaching can be expressed in the teaching portfolio by explicitly outlining a teaching philosophy that is linked to actions and evidence of effectiveness. This workshop explores individual teaching strengths and how they are influenced by your philosophy of learning and teaching, how to structure a teaching portfolio, and how to use evidence to support the claims you make about your teaching. The NTU criteria for the teaching portfolio will be used to begin shaping your portfolio. 


              Introduction to Team Based Learning

              This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the basic principle and structure of TBL and get them to understand TBL in the LKCMedicine context. This workshop will also be an opportunity for participants to consider the factors that influence the manner in which students learn, and how teaching staff can best facilitate that learning in a TBL classroom. 


                Problem and Project Based Learning

                Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning are popular approaches to foster critical thinking, problem solving and team work skills. There are many variants of these inquiry-based student centred approaches. This workshop aims to support you in gaining a better understanding of the key underlying principles and the different implementations of PBL or PjBL so that you can make an informed choice on how to use these approaches for your own classes. 


                  Questioning to Facilitate Deep Inquiry

                  All teaching and learning begin with the fundamental step of asking a question. Classroom discourse, specifically teacher questioning, has a direct impact on students’ cognitive processes, as it directly supports their cognitive engagement. Questions that focus on the recall of basic facts usually result in lower student cognitive levels, whereas higher order questions provide students the opportunity to verbalise their problem-solving strategies and hence effectively scaffold their understanding of concepts and construction of knowledge. 


                    Assessment: Constructing Effective Multiple Choice Questions

                    Multiple choice question (MCQ) is one of the most common and popular assessment items we use to measure student’s knowledge and skills. It is an efficient, relatively quick and objective approach. Nevertheless, if we are to optimise its potential as a reliable and valid indicator of students’ performance, we need to ensure that it is well-crafted.

                    This workshop is a platform for you to examine the construction of MCQs in teams so that we avoid the common pitfalls in using MCQs and increase the reliability and validity of our tests.