Courses (advanced)

GenAI courses

• ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (DeepLearning.AI × OpenAI)

A short one-hour course for beginner to advanced level in collaboration with OpenAI. (Enroll here)

• Generative AI with Large Language Models (Coursera × AWS)

Fundamentals of how generative AI works, and how to deploy it in real-world applications. (Enroll here)

• Learn OpenAI’s Assistants API (Scrimba × OpenAI)

Learn how to easily build powerful AI apps with knowledge retrieval and agent-capabilities. (Enroll here)

• Learn Prompting

Introductory Course on Generative AI and Prompt Engineering!. (Learn more)

• OpenAI Cookbook

Open-source examples and guides for building with the OpenAI API.. (Explore)