Prompt Engineering (advanced)

Prompt Engineering is a crucial field in artificial intelligence where the focus is on designing effective inputs (prompts) that guide AI models to produce desired outcomes. It plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of language models and generative AI systems across various applications, from chatbots to content creation. By carefully crafting prompts, developers can improve the accuracy, relevance, and efficiency of AI responses. This practice not only optimizes interactions with AI but also addresses challenges related to ambiguity, bias, and system limitations, ensuring that AI systems respond in a contextually appropriate and resource-efficient manner.

Prompt Engineering Guide - Prompting Techniques

Learn advanced prompting engineering techniques to achieve more complex tasks and improve reliability and performance of LLMs


Prompt Engineering Guide - Prompts with different LLMs

Explore capabilities of various LLM models on a range of tasks and prompting setups Understand the limitations of these models and how to use them effectively


Prompt Engineering for Educators
This hands-on webinar for educators covers everything from prompt engineering basics to more advanced techniques (read a summary by Claude 3).
Prompt Engineering Overview by DAIR.AI