TAP Programme Policy

Course Completion Requirements

TAP consists of 6 core modules and 3 elective modules. You will need to successfully complete the 6 core modules to be officially appointed as Teaching Assistants. To be awarded the University Teaching for Teaching Assistant Certificate, you must complete and pass all 9 modules.

Course Pre-requisites

Students who are required to take HWG703 (Graduate English) need to pass it before they can enroll for HWG702 TAP.

Class Attendance & Punctuality

As 100% attendance is required for passing this programme, please remember to sign in at the start of each module. If you are unable to meet the required attendance, you are deemed to have failed the course.

If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be counted as absent. In the event that this happens for a core module, you are deemed to have failed the course. If it happens for an elective module, you will not be eligible for the certificate.

Absence Due to Medical or Other Valid Reasons

If you are sick or unable to attend your class for unforeseen reasons (e.g. compassionate grounds involving immediate family member, national service), to avoid failing the class, please do the following:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] to inform us of your absence and request for a replacement class.
  2. If the absence was due to illness, submit to us the original Medical Certificate (issued by a Singapore-registered medical practitioner).
  3. If the absence was due to other valid circumstances, state the reason and provide supporting documents.
  4. Attend the assigned replacement class (subject to availability).

Add/Drop or Withdrawals

There will be no effect on your transcript if you notify CTLP and your school of your withdrawal from the programme before the end of the Registration Period.

Withdrawal after the Registration Period may result in either a "W' or "F" on the transcript, depending on when the withdrawal form is received.

Withdrawal Procedures:

  1. Complete the Withdrawal Request Form
  2. Submit to the respective school’s graduate officer for endorsement by the Head/Dean/Director of the School.
  3. School’s graduate officer or admin officer then submits the endorsed copy to CTLP.
  4. CTLP will ascertain the validity of the reason and provide final endorsement for the withdrawal request.
  5. CTLP will send a scanned copy of the form to the respective School and OAS.
  6. OAS will process the withdrawal and send out Withdrawal Letter.

Exemption (under limited circumstances)

This programme is compulsory for all full time PhD students. Students on the Industrial Postgraduate Programme (IPP) may apply for exemption due to the nature of the IPP.

Other than IPP, exemptions will only be considered if you can furnish documentary evidence that you have successfully completed an equivalent course in university teaching or formal pedagogical training in education at another university or equivalent institution. This may include diplomas, masters, or other degrees specifically in higher education teaching and learning.

As this is a formal course on higher education pedagogy, previous teaching experience alone will NOT be regarded as sufficient grounds for exemption.

Please submit the Exemption Request Form to CTLP via your school's office before the end of the Registration Period. Each application for exemption will be assessed to ascertain that the qualification is current and relevant to teaching and learning at higher education institutions.

If you need more assistance, please contact [email protected].